I have no idea if this is real or not, or if any of you are real or not, but I'm desperate to feel better so I'm trying it. Mostly it just makes me feel better to actually have agency and try something other than just sit back and be depressed.

Took fin for 4 years on and off - had some side effects, went off, stupidly went back on. Now I'm 3+ months off and symptoms are up and down.

-up and down low libido - can have sex and do at least 3x / week but struggling with delayed o
-crippling anxiety especially in the morning which I think is entirely linked to the above
-uneven, usually bad sleep, wake up multiple times a night
-nothing else really

I started my own custom recovery plan in March 2020 with a goal of exercising before work every morning and eating healthy, but this morning I decided to switch to a juice fast. I have one of the 7-day kits where they ship all the juice right to your door. Expensive but whatever.

Will update to hold myself accountable.