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  1. #1
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    how much of this is in our heads?

    I don't want to provoke anything but how much of this is in our heads? If I were to do the program as outlined and came home to a prison cell with no tv, internet, work stress etc. would I heal faster? If PFS is to do with some part of the brain not relaxing wouldn't living in a stress free environment be the most conducive to recovery? How much is day to day stress hampering things.. I think the working theory is that once the enzymes recover then the brain calms down but English was almost alluding this thing to being purely mental, like some type of neural pattern that's causing the stress. ANRS and the gupta method, which are programs aimed at cfs, are basically saying that those chronic stress conditions are due to neural patterns and thoughts rather than some physiological issue. Can one recover without changing their thoughts to positive ones? If the enzymes are restored wouldn't we feel this happen even in a negative state of mind therefore boosting our mood and optimism?

  2. #2
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 Bankai9000's Avatar
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    I totally disagree with what English said that a lot of stuff is in our heads.
    But besides pfs, a chronically sick mind will literally mess up your whole body.
    And with pfs we face something completely out of the ordinary, no suprise a lot of people can't handle the mental pressure. And in addition for someone who never was into health it's a huge lifestyle and attitude change.

    It's hard to trust and belive when you're in a bad spot. Some ppl learned how to do that prior pfs, some gotta do it all at once.
    So when we know that a toxic mind will keep a healthy body in a stressed state, I'd like to think the opposite has its benefits.
    (It sounds so superficial, but for example laying in bed at night nd visualisating sth very bad happening to close ones would give u an inpending doom feeling, maybe heartrace and raise bodytemp tons of stuff happening on the inside. Some pfs ppl are stuck with such a mindset 24/7)
    I'd say my mind was 95% in a VERY positive state with some short mental breakdowns here and there, still took 3 waterfasts and like 8months for my heart to finally chill tf out, so no it's not just "in our heads", but it's still probably a huge influence on all cells in our body.
    I'd say we have 2 major communicators, you, what and how you perceive information 24/7 and your gut and how it perceives information, interacting with each other. But both need the whole body to function right in order to communicate clear, we need to chill tf out and body needs clean liver/kidneys/gut whole foods etc^^

  3. #3
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    English emphasized the mental bit alot and it's probably very important. But he also did all the right things with extreme disipline wich probably was what recovered him. Pfs isn't the same for everyone it's how your body reacted to the drug and that is vastly different in different people imo.

  4. #4
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    a lot is obviously mental, but 70% is damage on a cellular level and it will take putting the correct in your body which will help clean and repair damage cells and neurons in the body and brain.

    In order for that to happen the mind has to believe it is possible to heal otherwise you are fighting a war with yourself getting nowhere

  5. #5
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Definitely not. Many tests by PFS guys have shown to have lower CSF neurosteroids, low B2, low glutathione, specific parasites, etcetera.

    Of course a toxic body will influence your mind. I thought a big part of it was mental until I started improving. I saw that it was not mental and it was not my fault.

  6. #6
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    For years, I was in denial about PFS because my family and psychologist vehemently insisted that it wasn’t possible, etc, and I just didn’t want it to be true. If you hooked me up to a lie detector, I would have 100% passed while saying I did not have PFS - yet I did have it.

    Maybe for English it was largely mental, but for me and many others, it is 95% - 100% physical. If it was mostly mental, then it could be cured by denial, and that wasn’t the case for me. Maybe it would work for others, but it’s not a strategy that I would recommend.

    If you’re super depressed and anxious, that could negatively affect you and your recovery time. But you should still see improvement over time, and that can help you see a light at the end of the tunnel and boost your mood, which in turn can help you stay on track and recover. So I’d say to stick with the program whether you feel sad or happy.

  7. #7
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Ya I figure the same. I did ibogaine years ago and it wiped out my depression and anxiety completely for like a year. Still had pfs though. The closest I've come to feeling recovered was when I was doing yoga 2.5 hours a day before sleep. PFS, at least in my situation, is a stress condition that seems to be in the brain. The long bouts of yoga would slowly slow my mind down and after a month or so the bags under my eyes went away and my dick was even bigger than pre pfs in a flaccid state.. Energy and mental functioning was coming back too. That was right after I decided to quit clomid though (Dr. Crisler) and had the residual energy to complete the yoga sessions. Once I stopped I pretty much came back to the baseline I've been at since.

  8. #8
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    @markuss So have you recovered completely from PFS now?
    I am asking because I saw that you are on the protocol for several years by now, right?

  9. #9
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    I’m not completely recovered. I can have sexy pretty much whenever but my dick isn’t as hard it used to be and I don’t last as long. Mentally I still have low motivation even though I’m able to maintain a job and what not, I’m nowhere near my full potential. After my second r-andro run my digestion improved tremendously and I can pretty much eat 3 square meals a day now, protein and carb, and not be affected much. I’m going to do a r-andro and 4-andro cycle mid May, hopefully that boosts me to +90%. I’m still at a low body weight: 165 pounds at 6’1 so I definitely want to gain.

  10. #10
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    But you were already at 65-70% before you started the protocol, right? So the protocol did not help much? How closely would you say you followed the protocol?

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