TMNT - Test P / Mast / Nandrolone deca / Tren A - 100mg each (at 500mg a week of each totaling 2g of everything a week)

I've seen plenty of TNT or TMT cycles, but rarely a TMNT or Deca with Mast for that matter.
Would it be a decent cycle, or would deca and mast not be wise?

I've looked into it out of sheer curiosity, and most say that mast is good for shows, which deca isn't. However, for someone that wanted to run a cycle for sheer size and strength, would it be ok? I've seen that mast can really help push you though a hard workout, and give you some nice pumps. It can also act like a mild AI (or something like that in case you are gyno prone).

I know about Test, Tren and Deca, but Mast is kinda new to me and I'm trying to learn more about it and mainly it's interactions with other chemicals.
