
I've started taking the herbs now for almost two weeks and understandibly I can't say I feel any great effects from them but what i do feel is that when I'm on a downswing it's not near as bad as previous ones where I couldnt sleep much at all and now even going through one I can get 6 hours at least. Noticed I get a random minor head itch 2 or 3 times a day which got me quite happy (clutching at straws I know)

I'm slowly getting better at meditating and I feel this is super necessary as the thoughts in my head can go into overdrive and I can start having conversations in my own head all pfs related which isn't healthy and I do like the feeling I get after. Same with cold showers but honestly I do them during downswings and upswings I don't have the same motivation to but I will work on this

Piece of advise for anyone purchasing pine pollen especially from Lost Empire is buy the mega dose one. I use to tablespoons daily and I got through the regular 50g package in under two weeks so that is something to consider.

Other than that I am trying to remain positive. I am rotating push ups, pull ups and squats while waiting for the gyms to open up.

I will give everything to recover. My plan is to play the role of Mr Consistent. I wonder if amount of doses of Fin taken can effect how long recovery time is. I took two plus I've never drunk alcohol so hopefully I can maybe be on the 6 month side of things as CD said I could he but if not then I will stick things out until I am where I need to be.