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  1. #71
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    What in the world is happening to this forum lol. A lot of trash posts lately.

    Just wanted to give a short update. Still having swings of ups and downs, but the upswings are getting longer and the downswings havent been as bad. Recently went 3 full weeks of feeling fantastic, not really thinking about PFS at all. These last couple of days have been meh, but still manageable. Seems that issues with sleep, energy and bowel movements are completely gone. Haven't seemed to have issues with cold sensitivity or that hour glass curvature in a very long time too. It's just the libido and weak erections that still needs to get conquered.
    Added He Shou Wu a month ago. Also re introduced L-Theanine into my regime recently. I had stopped taking that like 8 months ago when I felt like my concentration and brain issues were resolved, BUT I recently read that theanine may actually help increase DHT. So it's back in my coffee every morning now!

    I know I keep toying with the idea of doing a UH cycle. I'm traveling a bit later this month and December which would make it hard to commit to a 4 week cycle, so I'm thinking if by January I still feel I need that extra push I'll bite the bullet then.
    This last upswing that I had for basically all of October was great though! Definitely feel every upswing is better and longer than the one before it.

  2. #72
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    Actually meant to include this in my post yesterday, but I've been pondering about a couple diet things:
    1) Is there a difference in nutritional benefit between bone broth and collagen powder? I used to drink a cup of bone broth most mornings, but recently switched to collagen powder because it was cheaper. If I'm also supplementing glutamine, is there anything from bone broth I'm no longer getting? Should I switch back?
    2) I know a lot of people aim to get raw milk straight from the farm, but do you recommend pasteurized grass fed milk from the grocery store? And if so, should I go full fat? I seem to be tolerating dairy better and it would certainly be a good way to sneak in extra calories.

  3. #73
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    Man i cant believe this champion in the home staright to recobery was more fucksd up than me, I never had hourglass or any if that shite. And yet I fucked it up with taking pharma shite after bullying from dirty itangenbastards.

  4. #74
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    Hi guy. I don't know how to answer you for collagen, I don't think it's mandatory for healing. On the other hand, for milk I know that for me it is difficult. On the other hand, hard cheese you should try! (I don't know how to say that in English, but I'm talking about cheese that doesn't run). normally it is much easier to digest.

    And yes, RoadToRecover is an idiot...

  5. #75
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    Ok it has been a very long time since I reported back, so here's an update of everything that's happened in the last 6 months.

    So most of November and December were pretty great. I was still dealing with low libido, but everything else was fantastic. I think symptoms dealing with energy, sleep, bowel movements etc have been a thing of the past since like September 2022, but its just the sexual sides that are still lingering. Anyway, in November/December my libido was still low, but that penile numbness was gone, which really is the hardest thing to deal with. Not getting horny is one thing, but having a numb pain in your dick constantly reminding you that something's wrong, that's what drives me crazy. But that was gone, and even my erection quality was pretty good. Was getting morning wood every day. But then in the last week of December I crashed hard. Morning wood gone, numbness came back, no sexual desire AT ALL. But those other residual symptoms were still gone (and are still to this day). But this sexual crash lasted a long time. Started on Christmas Eve, and basically lasted until mid February when I decided to do something about it.

    Mid February I decided to try daily Pine Pollen Powder again, plus grabbed the tincture for my rotation. I've tried the daily powder in the past, but unfortunately kept getting weird reactions to it. But this time I stuck with it, rode through the initial reaction, played around with my dosage and played around with my potassium intake in my diet. Eventually I found the sweet spot! For a solid month and a half things were great again. Daily morning wood, no numbness, and an actual libido. But as of last week, I've been off again. Not crashed, but the morning wood is gone, and the numbness feeling pops back here and there.

    I'll try to ride this wave, but I think it might be time I finally start a prohormone cycle. But first I want to get my blood work done to see where I'm at. When you guys get your labs, what are you requesting? I was gonna get my DHT, Free Test, Total Test and SHBG checked. But should I also get my Estradiol checked?

    And any advice about the prohormones would be greatly appreciated! I'm guessing I'll order Ultra Hard, do a 4 week cycle, start with 2 pumps a day and work my way up. Any tips about diet/exercise during that time?

  6. #76
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flamingpie View Post
    Ok it has been a very long time since I reported back, so here's an update of everything that's happened in the last 6 months.

    So most of November and December were pretty great. I was still dealing with low libido, but everything else was fantastic. I think symptoms dealing with energy, sleep, bowel movements etc have been a thing of the past since like September 2022, but its just the sexual sides that are still lingering. Anyway, in November/December my libido was still low, but that penile numbness was gone, which really is the hardest thing to deal with. Not getting horny is one thing, but having a numb pain in your dick constantly reminding you that something's wrong, that's what drives me crazy. But that was gone, and even my erection quality was pretty good. Was getting morning wood every day. But then in the last week of December I crashed hard. Morning wood gone, numbness came back, no sexual desire AT ALL. But those other residual symptoms were still gone (and are still to this day). But this sexual crash lasted a long time. Started on Christmas Eve, and basically lasted until mid February when I decided to do something about it.

    Mid February I decided to try daily Pine Pollen Powder again, plus grabbed the tincture for my rotation. I've tried the daily powder in the past, but unfortunately kept getting weird reactions to it. But this time I stuck with it, rode through the initial reaction, played around with my dosage and played around with my potassium intake in my diet. Eventually I found the sweet spot! For a solid month and a half things were great again. Daily morning wood, no numbness, and an actual libido. But as of last week, I've been off again. Not crashed, but the morning wood is gone, and the numbness feeling pops back here and there.

    I'll try to ride this wave, but I think it might be time I finally start a prohormone cycle. But first I want to get my blood work done to see where I'm at. When you guys get your labs, what are you requesting? I was gonna get my DHT, Free Test, Total Test and SHBG checked. But should I also get my Estradiol checked?

    And any advice about the prohormones would be greatly appreciated! I'm guessing I'll order Ultra Hard, do a 4 week cycle, start with 2 pumps a day and work my way up. Any tips about diet/exercise during that time?
    Sounds like a plan. You should notice a nice lift from the PH's
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  7. #77
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 strato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flamingpie View Post
    And any advice about the prohormones would be greatly appreciated! I'm guessing I'll order Ultra Hard, do a 4 week cycle, start with 2 pumps a day and work my way up. Any tips about diet/exercise during that time?
    Dude I am 4 weeks today into my first UltraHard cycle at 3 pumps daily. It has literally been a God send. Took my recovery up to a place where life has been worth living again, starting within the first application.

    I highly, highly recommend the Ultrahard, literally been a miracle for me and it's still only my first cycle and I'm also still not near recovered. Even still, it's been that good.

  8. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by strato View Post
    Dude I am 4 weeks today into my first UltraHard cycle at 3 pumps daily. It has literally been a God send. Took my recovery up to a place where life has been worth living again, starting within the first application.

    I highly, highly recommend the Ultrahard, literally been a miracle for me and it's still only my first cycle and I'm also still not near recovered. Even still, it's been that good.
    That's awesome to hear you're responding so well to the prohormones. I'm scheduling bloodwork to be done this weekend to check my E2, Free Test and Total Test levels. I've read that UH can lower your E2 quite a bit so I just wanna see where I'm at going into it. If all looks good, I'm gonna plan on doing a 4 week cycle in June.

    Funny thing about that post I made 2 weeks ago. I mentioned I was on a bit of a downswing, but like 8 hours after making that post I got hit with this really euphoric feeling, popping random erections throughout the rest of the evening. The next morning I woke up with solid morning wood and had crazy libido throughout the day. The high libido didn't last forever, but I did have solid morning wood everyday for these last 14 days, with bursts of libido sprinkled in a few times throughout. But then oddly yesterday and today I no longer got morning wood, and even today I felt a bit off, mostly numbness down there. Chalking it up to just another downswing.

    I've noticed something with Pine Pollen. When it comes to my PP tincture day in my rotation, I do the full dropper twice, and I respond so great to it. But when it comes to taking the PP powder, I've noticed that I need to constantly play around with the dosage. Like if I take anything more than 2 teaspoons, I almost instantly feel worse and it takes about 12 hours to feel good again. But if I take a lower dose like one teaspoon or even half a teaspoon, I not only feel fine but I get a jolt of energy and libido within 30 minutes.
    Just strange that the tincture, which is supposed to be more potent, doesn't negatively effect me like the powder does at higher doses. Is there anything in the powder that gets lost when making the tincture that may be the culprit?

  9. #79
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    So I just went through a 5 day period of feeling like shit. In a moment of desperation I ordered Ultrahard, which shockingly has already been delivered.
    So now here I am with my bottle of Ultrahard, but the irony is today I woke up feeling great again haha. I can't decide if I want to just pause my PPP and herbs to do an UH cycle, or to hold off on the UH for now and see if my gains keep improving.

    I don't know why I'm so nervous about doing these prohormones lol. From what I can people have only had positive experiences with them. I'm just scared Im gonna do it wrong or if I'm missing something important.
    So to be clear I start with 2 pumps a day and possibly work my way up to 4 or 5. Do I separate the pumps throughout the day, or do I do them all at once? And should I apply it on my arms/shoulders? Diet wise it sounds like I should eat more carbs throughout the day instead of backloading, so I'll do GF oatmeal at breakfast, bunch of fruit with lunch, and a bunch of sweet potatoes with dinner. Minimum of 4 week cycle, but also sounds like I can push it to like 6-8 weeks?
    I know suppression is a big concern with these cycles, so is our herb cycle enough for a PCT? Maybe also with high dose Pine Pollen Powder daily, at like 1 tablespoon?

    Sorry I'm so neurotic with this. Gonna read up on some threads here about other guys' cycles, and if I feel confident enough I'll start on Monday.

  10. #80
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 strato's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by flamingpie View Post
    So I just went through a 5 day period of feeling like shit. In a moment of desperation I ordered Ultrahard, which shockingly has already been delivered.
    So now here I am with my bottle of Ultrahard, but the irony is today I woke up feeling great again haha. I can't decide if I want to just pause my PPP and herbs to do an UH cycle, or to hold off on the UH for now and see if my gains keep improving.

    I don't know why I'm so nervous about doing these prohormones lol. From what I can people have only had positive experiences with them. I'm just scared Im gonna do it wrong or if I'm missing something important.
    So to be clear I start with 2 pumps a day and possibly work my way up to 4 or 5. Do I separate the pumps throughout the day, or do I do them all at once? And should I apply it on my arms/shoulders? Diet wise it sounds like I should eat more carbs throughout the day instead of backloading, so I'll do GF oatmeal at breakfast, bunch of fruit with lunch, and a bunch of sweet potatoes with dinner. Minimum of 4 week cycle, but also sounds like I can push it to like 6-8 weeks?
    I know suppression is a big concern with these cycles, so is our herb cycle enough for a PCT? Maybe also with high dose Pine Pollen Powder daily, at like 1 tablespoon?

    Sorry I'm so neurotic with this. Gonna read up on some threads here about other guys' cycles, and if I feel confident enough I'll start on Monday.
    Hey dude,

    Sorry to hear you had a brief downswing. I totally get the anticipation about the prohormones, do all the research you need to feel sure about it one way or another for you. I recommend in particualr xxaleksi's road to recovery thread - his experiences on the prohormones in particular inspired me to take the plunge.

    As far as I have determined, in moderate doses (of which 2-3 pumps daily is), the Ultrahard is fairly mild and safe. Yes the prohormones can cause your E to go down a bit, but nothing it won't bounce back from fairly quickly. As you said so yourself, it is basically a universally beneficial experience for PFS sufferers. Some very much so, others its more mild but still usually worth it. Even those who had more negative experiences (at least as far as I've encountered - which is hardly any for that matter), simply dropped the dose or cycle altogether and returned to baseline in a couple of weeks max. So as far as I can tell, suppression is not something to be seriously concerned about man imo, espeically if you're starting at a low 2-pump daily dose.

    For me personally, I was willing to take the chance just to escape the hellish symptoms I was suffering. Even after months on the protocal, I was still fighting daily just to make it through. So it wasn't really it a matter of if I tried them, but when... in the end, I was beyond eager to get going on my first cycle lol I waited over a month for my UH to ship as I live in Aus and as soon as it arrived I took the plunge.

    Of course, I did lots of research beforehand too and also found overall positive anecdotal evidence from PFS guys, so that made me even more assured it was the right course of action. And sitting here right now, it was was the best decision I could have made. As you saw in my thread, my first cycle literally changed my life. I am able to function and live life again with quite a bit of peace and joy sprinkled in too.

    The risk thankfully and absolutely did pay off for me and I'm beyond grateful it worked out the way it did. I'm already looking forward to my next cycle in a couple of months time as I can still tell I am not near my old full self - but now I know that each cycle (along with the protocol of course) will keep massively lifting me onward to my inevitable recovery. This is a great feeling indeed after so so so much misery and hell. It's like the Ultrahard/prohormones showed me that there truly is light at the end of the tunnel.

    Full disclosure though, I did experience low E symptoms that ramped up quite strongly between weeks 4-5. I ended up stopping the cycle at 5 weeks and 1 day because the symptoms were getting too much (I had achy joints, strong lethargy and slight anxiety mainly). However, I knew this was to be expected given all the research I'd done on others guy's cycles, so I wasn't really concerned either. These low E side are nothing like PFS sides which are beyond crippling and concerning when they happen. I could function the entire time with the low E sides, and it was more of a sense of 'this is not worth it... it's time to stop the cycle' that washed over me by week 5. Now at day 5 of PCT, I feel mostly back to normal again in terms of the E sides and my new recovery baseline (after a brief crash day 1-2 post cycle) has stuck. So anyway that's my experience, as I said I can't wait for my next cycle and would absolutely recommend them, especially if you really want to boost your recovery to a new level a lot faster.

    With regards to dosing and application, yes 2-3 pumps daily is a moderate dose, 4-6 pumps imo is much stronger. Even 4 pumps daily made me feel a bit of anxiety, but I likely could have adjusted to this if I persisted. But I recommend sticking with a lower dose the entire first cycle, just to see how you handle it and especially since you are a bit apprehensive about it. I too stuck to 3 pumps daily for all of mine so it's still going to have an effect for sure. Then maybe in your next cycle, see how you go ramping it up to 4-5 pumps daily as I've seen other guys settle on about that mark as their sweet spot. I applied all 3 pumps in the AM most days, all at the same time. Two pumps across my chest/pec area and 1 pump onto my triceps/back arms area (I pumped it onto one arm first then spread it to my other arm using my other hand). Then was your hands and get on with your day, that's all there is to it. Anyway, hope this helps man, best of luck to your recovery!

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