What in the world is happening to this forum lol. A lot of trash posts lately.

Just wanted to give a short update. Still having swings of ups and downs, but the upswings are getting longer and the downswings havent been as bad. Recently went 3 full weeks of feeling fantastic, not really thinking about PFS at all. These last couple of days have been meh, but still manageable. Seems that issues with sleep, energy and bowel movements are completely gone. Haven't seemed to have issues with cold sensitivity or that hour glass curvature in a very long time too. It's just the libido and weak erections that still needs to get conquered.
Added He Shou Wu a month ago. Also re introduced L-Theanine into my regime recently. I had stopped taking that like 8 months ago when I felt like my concentration and brain issues were resolved, BUT I recently read that theanine may actually help increase DHT. So it's back in my coffee every morning now!

I know I keep toying with the idea of doing a UH cycle. I'm traveling a bit later this month and December which would make it hard to commit to a 4 week cycle, so I'm thinking if by January I still feel I need that extra push I'll bite the bullet then.
This last upswing that I had for basically all of October was great though! Definitely feel every upswing is better and longer than the one before it.