Ayo – lighthearted post for everyone.
Genuinely curious, what’re your guys “cheat” meals? Within the boundaries of the protocol, of course. I’m looking for some inspiration here. I also want to see how skewed and fucked up our sense of “unhealthy” has become haha. I told someone my cheat meal consisted of an entire 2lbs Costco bag of frozen blueberries, some cinnamon, some celtic sea salt, some walnuts on top. You bet. And they told me I was crazy & that wasn’t unhealthy, and I thought yeah, you’re probably right.

My favorite is homemade ice cream. Ice + coconut milk + 15 fresh dates + cinnamon + vanilla extract. Maybe some coconut chips on top. The best part is the yield, honestly – it’s the equivalent of like 4 pints. Still has close to 100g sugar, so still not good for you. But it ain’t the shit Ben & Jerrys is peddling. I’ve got nothing against them – I still look forward to the day I feel comfortable slapping 2 pints of the tonight dough/oat of this swirled.

Chicharrones are another one, but they’re fried so this might actually be breaking protocol.

Anyways, let me know how you sick fucks get down these days.