Quote Originally Posted by Ratchet View Post
I go through the same thing – and you’re right, but it’s not so much a fight or flight response as it is just general anxiety. It’s not the jizz, I can tell you that. If you’re doing well enough to bag a chick, I’d say you’ve made some serious improvements and might actually be in a really good place. And because you and you’re body are not used to that, it can trigger underlying anxiety because you’re already anticipating the impending downswing. Whenever things are good for me too, I become hyper vigilant and observing of how I feel because I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop. I feel clear headed and anxiety free as I do this too. But putting yourself in that mode of observation will distance you from the moment and keep you in that DPDR state. Just something to consider and be mindful of. I think with enough upswings and mindfulness we recalibrate and become comfortable in the moment, able to feel grounded and fully present. Keep going dawg.

Also, 8 reps at 245 for 145 lbs is strong as fuck. That’s impressive. We’re going to have to hold the PFS olympics in CDs backyard some day, prohormones allowed.
Thanks bro, what’s your derealization like? Not to talk about symptoms, but I’m interested. But you’d be surprised man, if you talked to me in real life, you’d have no idea I’m suffering from some condition severe as this. I hang around my friends all the time, and I’ve made a ton of new friends in the past few months that reach out to me to talk, often times girls, and I get more attention from women than any time in the past 10 years, whether flirting or just general comfort around them, so things are great for me besides that through my eyes the world is surreal. I agree it’s probably just general anxiety, derealization is kinda like when someone tells you “in order for the elephant in the room to leave you have to not think about it” then all you can think about is elephants. If I never crashed, I maybe could have just put off the weirdness of DPDR to being sick or tired, then forgot about it. Harder to do in our situation.

But yeah man, it’s kinda nuts how much stronger R Andro has made me so far. I’ve pushed this kind of weight in the past but not in a long time, and I don’t think I even would have been able to hit what I was repping today even once just a month ago. I read on reddit somewhere where I guy took a similar pro hormone and felt like “someone snuck in the gym the night prior and replaced all the weights with lighter ones” which is a pretty good description lol.