Hey all,

So as I’ve said before, the only lingering issues I have are libido and some erection quality. I’ve done really well in this area sometimes, but it tends to fluctuate more than I’d like. Everything else is 100%. I’m working on those last bits, and I’m fairly certain some rounds of Ultra Hard will take me the last 5%-10% I’ll need.

That said, I’ve really been hitting it off with a Tinder match who’s been quarantining in a remote location outside my city. She’s decided to move back to her apartment in a couple of weeks and it’s looking like we’re going to find a way to (as safely as one can in the COVID age) fuck like mad regularly.

Now, I haven't really been on a sex marathon for years and I wanna make sure to give her (and myself) the best experience, and I feel like using Cialis would be great for that, if only to allow myself to get out of my own head.

So I wanted to ask, if anyone in this form uses it or has used it, where did you get it? I was thinking of going to a doctor and asking for a prescription. If that’s the route you took, what did you tell the doctor that led them to agreeing to hand over a prescription? If you got it through other avenues, what was it?

Also, if you have any tips on using it I’m all ears. Like, how long to take it before meeting with my partner and such.
I don’t expect to use this for very long. It’s really just a stop-gap for a little bit to help me enjoy this, but any advice would be incredibly appreciated.

Many thanks,