First of all, I would like to thank CDnuts and the rest of colleagues for the existence of this forum. PH web has gradually taken away the illusion that I had in a recovery but my decision is that I want to fight and improve.

I was taking finasteride from March to June of this year. From the beginning of this poison I could see that my skin was getting dry and pale, I could not maintain an erection even with masturbation and my face swelled up. I left finasteride in June and the symptoms got worse after two weeks:

-Changes in the texture of my penis (stiffness in a flaccid state, painful erections, shortening and strong daily pain that continues): Two urologists have proven that I have developed peyronie as a result of finasteride treatment.

- All the skin on my body is completely destroyed. Extremely dry, I have developed wrinkles, loss of fatty tissue in my hands, feet and face.

- I can't shower for a long time because the skin on my hands almost automatically wrinkles on contact with water.

- Dry scalp

- Total change of my face, the skin is less firm, dark circles under the eyes, and loss of muscle tissue. This change is affecting me emotionally. I feel that I have aged a lot and my family and friends have noticed it too.

- I've lost a lot of weight and my body looks like it did when I was a teenager.


I haven't seen many cases like mine, I think I'm a pretty severe case. But I maintain the illusion that by doing things correctly I can improve. I know the protocols for fasting, weight training and HIIT well as I have been doing this for a long time in the past for healthy reasons (but I have not been training and following protocols for a year now).

The truth is that I find it hard to believe that I can get back the skin I used to have or that my skin is greasy and young again. Are there cases of recovery in this?

Tomorrow I will start with the fasting, I have been on a paleo diet for two weeks and I want to start with the herb rotation as soon as I finish the three day fast. I live in Europe and here it is difficult to get androhard, I don't know if you know any way to get him because of comments from other colleagues outside the USA.

Any help and recommendations are welcome.