Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
Guys.....Of course there is a strong response to DHT when you put it in your system. Your body was STARVED of it, which caused most of the masculine (if not all) issues pfs'ers face. This isn't anything new and shouldn't surprise any of you.

This is explained here: The Science | Total Male Optimization on one of the very first pages of TMO, along with other reasons 5ar inhibition destroys some men.

Bottom line, as most of you know, this can, and will be fixed by adhering to the protocol strictly, over time.

And you guys are right....really, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter how you got to the place your in, you either do what you have to to get out, or stay stuck, for life. Easy choice for me.
“For life”

What a wild consequence for something as innocent as taking a hair loss pill. I haven’t thought about it like that in a long time. Can’t imagine how the first person to get pfs felt with not a single resource for help.