Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"
Yeah man - saw your log on it I think your were a fan of it if I remember but certain doses blew you up like a tick lol.
What I noticed so far for me:
Androsterone increases my fatigue a bit due to the GABA agonism but anxiety goes down and feel a better. This is at doses 600mg - 1 gram total per day split into three doses. Don't feel much mentally anything below 600mg per day TBH.
Epiandro and 4 Andro both lift fatigue but feel more agitated and anxiety when I do use them even in conjunction with Androsterone.
Yeah man definitely - good luck to you as well.
What I found what totally reverses my mental symptoms are stimulants like caffeine pills (not coffee) and nicotine/preworkouts etc. but I feel like shit the following day before a return back to mental baseline again. Not sure if you had the same experience.
We have someone who’s almost recovered who says the same, nicotine basically reverses what he has left. I haven’t tried. I get a similar effect from l theanine mood wise, but for brain fog nothing has ever lifted it completely but androsterone cycles are what had the most impact on it so far.