Hey guys, sorry to flood with another thread but maybe it can help others.

I always had good reaction to tribulus and recently I noticed my body couldn't handle even 1/6 a week or even once every two weeks (I know it may sound absurd). I'm taking a very strong brand that people say is way too strong comparing to now foods tribulus (like 2-3 times stronger). This is what I feel when I take it.

Feel better after a couple hours, then I get insomnia, the next day I may feel a little depressed and anxious, still insomnia, I crash during the night following a wet dream (I know this may also sound absurd but I noticed that everytime I get a wet dream I have a mini crash right after, but I do get back to normal after a couple days). This is even worse if the crash/wet dream happens the day after tribulus or two or three days after. It's like if I can handle without crashing for more days I get a better baseline.

When I wasn't too sensitive I could take more than one pill and felt excelent, get a better baseline and would stay better, in fact I already got back to 75% back to normal once, but it was a long time ago and I didn't know TMO so i drank, smoked, did drugs, did a lot of pmo and crashed again.

It feels like I'm intolerant to tribulus (I decided to take once every two weeks because I noted my body could handle it a little bit better) and even when I take other herb in the same week that I take tribulus it feels like I'm taking tribulus two times a week. I would say it still feels like I get the tolerance issue, so I don't know if it's a receptor thing or hormones building so much that my body can't increase the T more than that and crash.

What I would like to ask you guys is how to get through this? What herbs do you feel like its weaker than tribulus? (because I think I need something weaker to get stronger to take stronger things again)

I tried maca root (but from a very bad brand, didn't feel anything, maybe I'll try from a different brand). I tried these herbs

Korean Ginseng
Ginkgo Biloba
Licorice Root
Mucuna or Mua Puama (didn't know)

Actually I felt better with just tribulus, and the recoveries I read have more Tribulus, Maca and Tongkat than any other herb.
I would also guess that my adrenals are so fucked up that I can't handle any stress (being muscular fiber break, being work, I always get a mini crash) so maybe I need to build my adrenals to get back to herb rotation? So maybe maca is the herb I should take for a while? I'm really confused and would like to know about your reactions with herbs.

BTW I also saw many guys crashing with strong herbs like tribulus (specially when they take from a good brand and a higher dose) and tongkat (guys crashing with a strong brand) so maybe this is something some guys needs to address before the herb rotation?

Sorry about the long post is just that I tried to explain better what is happening and see if there are other guys feeling the same, so they can get some info when people reply this post.