I will not take it personally. But the net will close further and further I think. At least that is what it looks like. Within 10 years this COVID passport will be deemed as normal most likely. I think your life will be constricted quite severely without it.

I have no problems with that. I am willing to live like that. It is quite amazing how fast they are able to put through a world population through this circus. So I don't think it will take long before full acceptance of the new world is there. And so if you are unvaccinated it will be like living in a severely restricted society.

Then ask yourself: why be part of it in the first place? Why contribute to that "society" in which you cannot do much at all. You do not get much benefits being part of it. I think this will turn the tides and you will see more criminality and people not complying with this system. Plus the minorities will also rise up. I do not see this lasting long. But it might last as long as we live (our generations).

Perhaps this is too extreme. I will keep observing. This is what it looks like to me right now.