"I believe pfs is a limbic system disorder. Our bodies are/were stuck in a fight or flight response. This causes a cascade of health issues. Since the “fight or flight” response is the default mode for anybody with pfs, the body must be switched back to “rest and digestion”. Simply calming down, slowing down and breathing through the stomach slowly and peacefully will take one a long way toward healing. Focus on relaxing and breathing slowly 24/7 will be difficult for a few days because it’s new. After several days it will get easier and the body will start to normalize. There are additional strategies but this is the start. Negativity, depression, panic, ect. are all traits of being in a fight or fight state. It’s involuntary and is the default mode so action must be taken to reverse back into rest and digestion. I say this partly for people to have patience with pfs sufferers who may be in a worse position than most. It’s a very scary situation with a wide range of emotions depending on the severity."

Some guy on PH posted this recently and I thought it was quite interesting. It seems to mirror what English said about the causes of PFS- that it is psychogenic after a while of cessation. Would be interested to hear your thoughts.