Hey Men.

I came across this quote in my research and thought it was perfect for this place.

"There is no true healer who has not poignantly undergone many forms of death and rebirth. Andrew Weil said it well, “...healers get to be healers by becoming healed.” The healer must confront his dark side and become an active participant in his own transformation by looking deep into the wounded parts of himself. The dark side of our natures must be faced again and again to achieve our own healing.
Psychologist Rollo May said, "The power to change people comes from confronting our own adversity. Wounded people are the best healers. We heal ourselves by virtue of our wounds. Through healing others, as the shamans know, we keep ourselves healthy". In healing our personal wounds, we contribute to the healing of the wounds of our planet.
The more effective healers are those who are deeply involved in their own process of healing and continue to study and learn. They remain open to working through their own issues and lessons. They seek help from others healers so that they can keep their hollow bones open and clean. They continually ask for guidance about any arrogance that may creep into their thoughts. In healing our personal wounds, we contribute to the healing of the wounds of our planet."

Keep at it guys.