Yea wondered why the forum was gone.
I am recovered from PFS thanks to a lot of information from Hackstasis and Helen. But also from here (prohormones for me mostly). Hope you guys are doing well. Also thanks TubZy for financing this whole thing.
Would be cool to stay in touch through some way.
I try not to post too much to not get it messy because the healing journy is what's most important. I'm jumping back on the protocol slowly because I overdid it with the drugs & alcohol during lockdowns. drove me loco. Hopefully now can stay on a positive track. Got toxic af.
From rock bottom to rockstar, baby.
Do yourself a favor and drop the party drugs. That’s always going to be a downhill spiral. My vice is alcohol. It’s bad enough for life in its own way, but at least it isn’t wrecking systems nearly as bad in moderation as those other compounds man. Trust me, you’ll be happier in the long run.
There ain't no traffic along the extra mile.
Never Quit.