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  1. #1
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    Hello Everyone - Few Protocol Questions

    Hello Swole Source crew.

    I think it was only a matter of time before I got drawn to the protocol. I must admit I'm very interested in stepping aboard.

    In the CHAOS of the early months of PFS I had an abortive attempt at things, but I was nowhere near the mindset anyone would need to succeed and so much was wrong. The suffering was all "new" to me and I chased some of the quicker fixes while my life collapsed. Awful time. None of us should have to face what we faced and fuck Merck for this.

    Luckily enough, through fumbling around and/or passage of time some things have gotten better. Sleep I have recovered 100% (and I am VERY lucky) and morning wood is a semi-regular thing now, as well as some small but ACTUAL sexual improvements. I also began to "enjoy" hobbies to a large extent and have some "motivation" return. I won't keep on in vague terms about indistinct improvements in mental capacity and capability but these have been significant I must say; some of the "sparkle" of life came back, opened my eyes more than a bit.

    I could not quite tell you WHAT drew me to the idea, but earlier in the year I got the compulsion to try and acclimate to cold showers. Somehow this stuck, and to this day even facing the UK winter I am still doing it. I really wouldn't stop with those and of course I recalled this being a core part of the protocol, the idea always nagging at me was that I should be doing something about that.

    So I think it's probably time to start. I miss gym SO much (used to be a bodybuilder and Thai boxer) and the grumbling joints have (mercifully) reached a baseline where I think exercise applied sensibly is do-able.

    Right I could waffle on on for hours about PFS but you folks all know the score, and I'd be genuinely pleased to take my place amongst you all as we go along and beat this. The more I read the more I think this is what I should be doing.

    I do have a few questions, hopefully simple.

    1 - We do a fast (>7 days) then juice feast (>7 days) then herb rotation alongside diet et al to begin the protocol proper. That right?

    2 - If you had to start with 7 herbs initially, what would they be? I recall CD once replied to this very question but I can't find it.

    Thank you all. I may be a name some have seen about and I miss my Hackstasis boys and girls much and hope you're all doing good. I'm looking forward to cracking on with this and I hope you'll have me here. You'll all see my recovery post up one day I can guarantee that.
    Last edited by jinstewart; 10-18-2021 at 04:25 PM.

  2. #2
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    Hi Jin,

    I think we interacted briefly on PH in January regarding my tinnitus. Glad to have you here. Sometimes it's quiet but we're all there somewhere.

    Regarding your 1st question, it's a juice feast OR a water fast, 7 days minimum for both. The juice feast will allow you to function because your still flooding your system with nutrients, whereas the water fast is more intense. I'm not sure which one is specifically better, I'll let others chime in, but I can tell you both are adequate to start the protocol. You hop on the herbs after, but you'd be better to do it after refeeding gradually from your fast.

    For your 2nd question, I asked the same one when I introduced myself in February, and those are the ones I bought from the answers and from what I read on the board: He Shou Wu, Cistanche, Rodholia, Mucuna, Tongkat Ali, Black Ants, Royal Jelly. Eventually my next purchases were Shilajit and Horny Goat Weed.

    It's a lot of information but it's motivating. I recally how excited I was to start at the beginning. If you have any questions don't hesitate

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Outlaw View Post
    Hi Jin,

    I think we interacted briefly on PH in January regarding my tinnitus. Glad to have you here. Sometimes it's quiet but we're all there somewhere.

    Regarding your 1st question, it's a juice feast OR a water fast, 7 days minimum for both. The juice feast will allow you to function because your still flooding your system with nutrients, whereas the water fast is more intense. I'm not sure which one is specifically better, I'll let others chime in, but I can tell you both are adequate to start the protocol. You hop on the herbs after, but you'd be better to do it after refeeding gradually from your fast.

    For your 2nd question, I asked the same one when I introduced myself in February, and those are the ones I bought from the answers and from what I read on the board: He Shou Wu, Cistanche, Rodholia, Mucuna, Tongkat Ali, Black Ants, Royal Jelly. Eventually my next purchases were Shilajit and Horny Goat Weed.

    It's a lot of information but it's motivating. I recally how excited I was to start at the beginning. If you have any questions don't hesitate
    Hey there, yes I do recall. I hope I was helpful. I couldn't recall the username but I have thought about that very post in fact. For ref, lots of my own symptoms have cleared up in BOUNDS since I ran %hormonal treatment% last (probably won't discuss that on this board, it doesn't feel like "the done thing") but what's led me to this is, weirdly, the cold showers really "clicked" as something I was not "suffering" but was in fact "energising" somehow.

    Aware of course they are not the whole protocol by any stretch but I would swear there is some magic in persisting with them. I no longer have "the cold that gets INTO you" feeling and my body is warm now. I also really stepped up the walking hobby since the spring and there is absolutely some tangible benefit there too.

    Again NOT to sell anyone on the idea of experimenting with things, but the fundamentals I put the uptick of the past year down to would be cycling hormonal supplements, relaxation, cold showers and the walking hobby. Which I'm sure sounds familiar to folks around here, so can't hurt to go at the protocol fully and see about knocking this on the head. My joints creak these days BUT this is MILES ahead of how bad things got before now. I'll be creaking but I am 100% confident I can exercise safely again.

    Thanks for taking the time to reply. Juice feast approach I'll pencil in then, sounds like the more convenient approach for me also now work picked up. I hope you're doing ok there mate. My tinnitus has just gone plain and simple. I get the odd little hint of it in the quiet if I search for it maybe once or twice a month but I am certain a normal non-PFS person would and I'm sure I did before too.

  4. #4
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Listen b itch just do the God damn protocol

    Starve your self for a week

    Eat Oakwood

    No coffee

    No.milk just ducking goat milk

    No bread

    No cheese

    No burgers

    No cola

    No beer

    No deodarant

    No soap

    No wanking

    No open

    No whisky

    No doctors

    No specialist medical professionals

    No hormonal therapy

    No cakes

    No pies

    No chips

    No kebabs

    No lemonade

    No marijuana

    No sex

    No soap

    No shower gel

    No toilet roll wipe your as with a lettuce leaf

    No mate nights

    No laptops

    No phones at bedtime

    No laptops

  5. #5
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  6. #6
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