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  1. #1
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    Question about polyphenols, almonds and cocoa

    Hey guys,

    i have a really important question about polyphenols, almonds and cocoa in general.

    How do you think about this 3 things?
    I've read in some forums that polyphenols (in blue berries, other berries and some fruits) are DHT (5ar) Blockers.
    The same about natural cocoa beens or cocoa powder and almonds.

    I dont want to ruin my recovery status by eating this things.
    Can you guys tell me if this things are harmfull or not?

    Greetings Salvatore
    Last edited by Salvatore; 01-09-2022 at 06:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Banned Feedback Score 0
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    "I'm looking for some information on the polyphenols in almonds and cocoa. Can anyone provide any insight on this topic? Any information on dietary sources of polyphenols and their potential benefits would also be appreciated!"

  3. #3
    New Member Feedback Score 0 Richardwilliam's Avatar
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    It is difficult to say how much polyphenol you will get from almonds and cocoa. Almonds contain several phenolic compounds, including catechin, epicatechin, and gallic acid, while cocoa contains catechin, procyanidin, and epicatechin. The amount of polyphenols in each food can vary depending on the variety, processing, and storage. Furthermore, the bioavailability of polyphenols may also be different for each food. Therefore, it is best to consult a nutritionist or dietitian to determine the exact amount of polyphenols you are consuming from these foods.

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