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Thread: TRT

  1. #21
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Of you have libido and erections go on TR T

    I'll never forgive mysekf.for not going back to specialist formit.

    Did man Afghanistan's
    We have timeout there mortgages but still
    I had very mild pfs for.years was a perfect candidate

    No brain fog just s?Might muscle wastage and lower libido

    I am positive I would have felt like a god on trt

  2. #22
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by isseo View Post
    Hello If you want my opinion: I was also on TRT for 8 months and was able to benefit from it but it never cured my PFS. It took away my huge brain fog, and it gave me physical and psychological energy. And that's all.

    Then I discovered this forum and I was able to understand that TRT is against protocol. I haven't renewed the testosterone injection that I should have done 11 days ago... and honestly I'm neither exhausted nor depressed. The brain fog didn't come back either. I just lost a lot of strength, nothing dramatic.

    The most complicated will be to "relaunch the machine" but the protocol should be our crutch. (sorry for my english, I know it is bad)
    Notch how did you feel.after orgasm before TRt

  3. #23
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Fucking dense cunts "the protocol will desensitize receptors Jesus fucking Christ man

    Listen mate I was recivered for years
    NORMLA loads spontaneous erecyions normal cock and balls great visual libido and lust

    Maybe eighty percent or more just the final twenty was pure lust idk I think the spontaneous maybe weren't rock hard boners but they were hard

    All I needed was HCG

    That isn't even for life eithe

    And who gives a fuck if it's for life

    So is this stupid protocol

    If trt makes you feel amazing why would you stop it anyway?

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