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  1. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by MileyCrabz View Post
    IML Super R Andro Rx capsules were very popular on this forum years back. Ironmag Labs discontinued the capsules and have since made the formula Transdermal: IML Super R-Andro Cream which is still available.

    Unfortunately Iconic Formulations Alpha Four has been discontinued for about a year now. Rob(Owner of IF as well as this forum) told me that it was due to licensing patents that another company held for the active(4andro). Alpha4 is sold out now at all 3rd party sellers that I’ve seen. I was lucky that Rob had some Alpha Gainz 4-Andro stashed away that I was able to pick up, but he told me it was the last of it a few months ago.

    You can still get 4-Andro from a few other companies. Ironmag Labs has Super 4-Andro Cream, I’ve heard their products are legit, but I’ve never tried myself so can’t fully vouch.

    4-Andro converts to testosterone which can aromatize into Estrogen. Unlike Epiandrosterone and Androsterone which are the actives in UltraHard and only covert to DHT. Hence using them together helps to not crush your estrogen, but then you have to be careful your Estrogen doesn’t raise to high(I know this from experience unfortunately haha). Would recommend a blood test before hand to see where your levels are at.

    Sorry to crash your thread dude. I’ve been dying to talk about something fun on here for once lol. If you guys have any PH questions I’d be happy to do my best to answer. Or if you want more reading on PH’s besides here, than I recommend Anabolic Minds forum.
    No need to apologize. I appreciate all the up to date info about the PHs. I haven't looked into any of them in 1.5 years, so didn't even realize alpha four was done. Damn this landscape changes a lot! Anyway, yes, a blood test to see where my estrogen is first would be necessary for me to undertake an UH cycle with peace of mind. If it turned out I was low to begin with, then I wouldn't be able to proceed 🤷‍♂️ my anxiety would just spoil whatever benefit I might get.
    I guess my total confidence and comfort with the herbs, and resulting total lack of anxiety surrounding their mechanisms of action and/or effects, is partly responsible for my progress thus far.

  2. #122
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastnoirking87 View Post
    No need to apologize. I appreciate all the up to date info about the PHs. I haven't looked into any of them in 1.5 years, so didn't even realize alpha four was done. Damn this landscape changes a lot! Anyway, yes, a blood test to see where my estrogen is first would be necessary for me to undertake an UH cycle with peace of mind. If it turned out I was low to begin with, then I wouldn't be able to proceed 🤷‍♂️ my anxiety would just spoil whatever benefit I might get.
    I guess my total confidence and comfort with the herbs, and resulting total lack of anxiety surrounding their mechanisms of action and/or effects, is partly responsible for my progress thus far.
    Also, for some context, I hold very little body fat and have to eat like a psycho to put on weight while lifting and doing the sprints as per the tmo protocol. Even then, if I let my foot off the pedal for a few days with the eating, I can see my body stating to slim down. Additionally, I have noticed oftentimes at the peak of my upswings, when I figure my test is very high, that I'll have a day or two where I can get emotional fairly easily. I suspect this is from my high test being aromatized, which is fine and dandy, but the thing is that I don't often feel like this at all. It is a VERY unusual feeling for me to experience that sort of emotionality. The long in the short of it is, if my E isn't average, I feel it must be pretty low on any given day.

  3. #123
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    Jew thinking should ducking kill myself?

  4. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zerolibido View Post
    Jew thinking should ducking kill myself?
    I am Catholic, not Jewish, and I don’t know very much about ducks.

  5. #125
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    You've shot up in my estimations.

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastnoirking87 View Post
    Also, for some context, I hold very little body fat and have to eat like a psycho to put on weight while lifting and doing the sprints as per the tmo protocol. Even then, if I let my foot off the pedal for a few days with the eating, I can see my body stating to slim down. Additionally, I have noticed oftentimes at the peak of my upswings, when I figure my test is very high, that I'll have a day or two where I can get emotional fairly easily. I suspect this is from my high test being aromatized, which is fine and dandy, but the thing is that I don't often feel like this at all. It is a VERY unusual feeling for me to experience that sort of emotionality. The long in the short of it is, if my E isn't average, I feel it must be pretty low on any given day.
    People with lower body fat have a lot less estrogen. Low E and high E symptoms are very similar for many people, but it's probably a good sign that you feel these emotions on some days- means the body is balancing and readjusting.

  7. #127
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    Update on creatine debacle: I am completely recovered from it as of the last few days. Wanted to wait a few days before declaring this officially. Reinvigorated my faith and dedication to the breathing exercises, which I'm now sometimes doing for upwards of an hour.

  8. #128
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    That’s great to hear man. Love breathing exercises with some meditation to help calm the mind. Sounds like you're doing really good, PFS will be a distant memory in no time!

  9. #129
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    Fuck m.jealous im.Ducked

    In was better than grudgingly 2021

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastnoirking87 View Post
    Update on creatine debacle: I am completely recovered from it as of the last few days. Wanted to wait a few days before declaring this officially. Reinvigorated my faith and dedication to the breathing exercises, which I'm now sometimes doing for upwards of an hour.
    That's good to hear. I was pretty confident you would get better after a few days, creatine is just too hit or miss to take during recovery.
    Even now I don't really plan on ever taking it, there are many better options out there.

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