Quote Originally Posted by xxaleksi View Post
I really, really hope it’s not ALS man. Praying for you, even though I’m not really a religious guy at all.

Reading your log on HS really motivated me after my crash back in 2018. It gave me something to live for when I thought it was all over. You had endured one of the worst crashes I’d read of and got much much better. Really hoping for the best here for you..

Had a major MS scare myself after my most recent mold exposure. I had like three years of mold exposure at my old school and then slept on a bed that had been in a Stachybotrys infested home and it nearly killed me, trichothecenes are no joke. Caused worse ”chemical depression” than even my PFS crash, which is saying a lot.

But keep us updated man and again sorry to hear the situation you’re in.
I appreciate it man. I’m still trying. It really took until January to realize “this is fucking bmaa.”

I actually just got a neuroquant deep brain testing results. The doctor basically said it’s not blood brain barrier (which would’ve indicated possible lead damage and I was wondering if it was that.) This doc has never worked with bmaa but he said the neuroquant indicates Traumatic Brain Injury.

For first time in weeks, im learning some new approaches. I’m seeing Leucine in high doses was shown to block 87% of BMAA transport to brain. I’m going to try it. Maybe combine with ozone (destroys bmaa but really has hurt me recently- I think brain barrier is weak from all this and ozone hurts it.)

What fucking sucks, is I’m at the point where I can’t live without a mental drug again like how I described in 2017. Mirtazapine saved me back them. Allowed me to function. And that’s a very safe antidepressant I have no problem with. NOW? I can’t use it… it fucks me up badly. I’m settling for 1mg daily of Ativan the last 2 days.

It just sucks cuz until the last few weeks I could survive with cooper zinc, calcium. They did a good job as my antidepressant essentially holding my brain in place. I just don’t want to develop Ativan addiction.