Quote Originally Posted by Scope75 View Post
Wasn't it AO that said his jump in size was from eating horse meat?? Lol
Shit must of been laced with dbol.
Yeah he said that for sure. I think it's kind of gross, but hey, I eat cows and other animals.
Quote Originally Posted by Rodja View Post
I remember a couple of years back when Bas ranked Overeem as the #1 HW in the world. The entire time, all I could think about was the hypocrisy of this ranking as Bas has flung so much shit at anyone using AAS, yet puts AO as the #1 guy!? Seriously!?
I had no idea he said that^. Funny shit right there. I wonder what Bas has to say now about Overeem.

Now, I don't give a shit one way or another if someone chooses to use AAS recreationally, but there are rules in place regarding PEDs, opiates, etc. While I was fighting, I chose not to use AAS simply from an ethics perspective even though I could have easily done so since I competed in TX where there isn't any testing done by the AC. I'm trying to find a better way to articulate this, but it more or less comes down to the fact that there are a set of rules in place regarding PEDs just like there are regarding legal/illegal strikes. I'm all in favor of knees to a downed opponent, but it's against the rules. Same goes with my philosophy on AAS; I personally am in favor, but I don't get to make the rules.
I think at the level of the UFC, steroids are pretty common. I hear ya though, against the rules, but I say let em juice if they want.