Hey all just checking in. I’ve actually had some good ups lately but I’m still a stressed mess. For about 5 days a few weeks ago my libido was way above baseline, last week for a few days I was feeling genuinely happy. But sadly with the ups came with me obsessing about how I feel, symptom checking and lead me down a path of heavy anxiety.

Still I haven’t had any of these ups “stick” yet and that’s what stresses me out. Because of the stress from this I rely heavily on nicotine (have been addicted since high school but my intake has went up post PFS).

I was using nicotine salt packs called zyn through 90% of my recovery. I also smoke cigarettes time to time and have smoked them more than usual lately.

What is y’all’s experience with nicotine, have you noticed it hold you back? Thanks in advance. I’m thinking I’ll hit a short fast and cold turkey it, even though that might be hard