Im over two months off a crash which was caused probably by queitapine (for sleep like an idiot) and other shit like zma and zinc which stopped working.

Things also went downhill rapidly after covid n April, I'm not sure it was linked.

For years I had good pfs, good sleep genitals had reverted to near normal and could masturbate a lot. Nocturnal erections. Lived a normal non sexual life after a horrible crash in 2009 which put me in and out of psych wards (cant get in now)

Now I have lost 15kg, mostly muscle, have facial wasting and wrinkles, dead dark dick. All neuro sides.

My ass is flat like a grandads and I have lost a ton of muscle on top of existing wastage.

I am suicidal and housebound mostly.

WTF do i do? Ordered a load of leh herbs but too fogged and anxious to do anything. Tried a juice fast but ended up with just a lot of fruit flies and stopped halfway.

I went into a gym but could barely do the weightless leg press, stupidly I never used the gym before when I was about 85% recovered. Genitals were normal size and shape just had loss of scrotal hair.

Clothes don't fit me now.

Help. I dunno what to do.