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  1. #1
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    What's good fellas?

    So, long story short, I've been working on increasing my social media presence for the past few months and I got the page up to 18K followers. For some reason, unbeknownst to me, FB has disabled my advertising account for reasons they can't tell me, so I can't fix it. I had no issues until I hit 17K followers, then I started being scrutinized. The bots flag the page, but they don't tell me what exactly is causing the flag, so it's impossible to fix.

    It's still up and running, but I think they may have blocked my audience as well. I don't have the time to fuck with it right now, so it's just gonna be what it's gonna be. I do have a day job.

    I have missed being in the trenches with you guys for sure, but I'm happy to see that some of the old heads here are keeping things running smooth, so thank you, sincerely.

    There is something else that's bothering me.....I barely make any money doing this, as it's a labor of love.(couldn't live on it, just put it that way) Anyone that has read my stuff knows that without being told. It was never about the money. But like everyone else, I need to be compensated for my time, and what little money was coming in monthly, has all but dried up. So that means I'm putting my time in here, and guys are buying what they need somewhere else. That's pretty shitty. You would think having the information for free and support for free would make them want to purchase through my site. Certain things are recommended for a reason, such as lost Empire Herbs. Their quality is second to none. You guys are here to heal, so why would you want to take subbar herbs? Makes no sense. I get trying to save a buck, but you're honestly better of spending more for better quality. This is your health we're talking about's priceless.

    I have a decision to make......TMO is my dream.....the site is going to be revamped again as I'm working with a designer so that it has the exact feel I want. I'm spending my own money to do this. I am in the insurance business otherwise, and have been offered a great opportunity which would severely limit my time on any TMO related activities.

    I"m going to see if things change, or at least go back to the way they were. If not, I'm gonna pull the plug. TMO COSTS me money, lol, not makes me money. And time is money, so.......I just wanted to throw that out there to hopefully reign you guys in. All you guys should be getting what you need through my site. In my mind, it's a perfect tradeoff. I help you, you help me. it's been more one sided as of late and it can't stay that way forever.

    So that's out there now, hopefully you guys understand. It feels good to be back reading the posts. I hope I can continue.

    Also, I know there are old and broken links that need my attention. If and when you guys come across them, please shoot me a message. I know the health ranger stuff is a disaster right now, but anything else you see missing, please make me aware of it so that I can get it fixed.

    And if you haven't already, please subscribe to the TMO mailing list. You don't have to worry about spam. Not sure what's going to happen and what direction things will go, so this way we all stay connected. Go here: Email List Signup - Total Male Optimization
    Last edited by Cdsnuts; 08-27-2022 at 05:02 AM.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  2. #2
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    I have no problem buying the powders from your site. I prefer to spend more and have quality, even if I'm not rich. (I am French, our wages are low.)

    My only source is LEH. A monthly subscription, on the other hand, would be unfortunately difficult, I hope it will not be like that.

  3. #3
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    @Cdsnuts Someone on discord said this. You should make a donation button. So when people get cured or they want to donate, they can donate to you. It might have a better effect than the referral links.

  4. #4
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    @Cdsnuts Do you have a Patreon? I’m sure some of us, including me, would be willing to kick in some money monthly. You don’t have to offer rewards etc, just give people the option to donate $10/$25 or whatever.

    You could also put a reminder in your signature on this message board, to a page on your website with the affiliate links. That way people on the board (including lurkers,) will see it and remember to use TMO’s affiliate links.

  5. #5
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    Second thing: FB is kind of awful; in the past they gave unlimited reach to your FB page, but that stopped years ago. If you’re lucky, 10% of your page’s “like” population will see your posts. A FB group has better reach.

    With FB, they own your list. They control your access to it and charge you money to promote messages to it, and charge you money to buy ads.

    An email mailing list is something YOU own, and YOU control. This is the asset you must build, not a Facebook page, to get the most traction.

    The best way to build your mailing list, IMO, is through social media (other than FB, as they make it extremely hard to build your list through them without an ad account.) YouTube is huge, you could make videos on different topics but if you don’t want to make videos, old fashioned articles on your website will improve its search ranking and eventually bring in a flow of organic traffic from google searches.

    For articles, you’d want 50+ articles that are ~1,000 words each, with properly chosen titles and subheadings. If you could cover 200+ topics like this with quality articles, you’d start getting way more organic traffic (meaning people who don’t know you from the message board, etc.)

    Next thing: if you’re serious about this, you really should have a product to sell people, not just affiliate links. And by product, I don’t mean TMO merch. You can create an online course version of the info you give for free — yes, the same info — in a video format. It could even be PowerPoint style with you doing a voiceover. The full course might be $99 or $199, and people who sign up for the mailing list would get a free shorter course to get them started, and help them realize that the big course is worth it.

    Some people fiercely prefer videos over reading, and will pay for video. Also, people are more likely to listen to and implement info if they paid for it.

    So the short course would cover just something that could be done in a month, people get benefits and go “okay this worked, so the paid course will be more of what I already like.” Your market is for people who want a step by step VIDEO course, that also goes more in depth.

    Another way to build an audience would be a TMO podcast.

    There was a brand called “Create Awesome Online Courses” which had a comprehensive guide, but they shut down to focus on their more profitable website design business. I did get the course on their “going out of business” sale.

    The basic formula is: build a mailing list using a podcast, YouTube, blog, etc, then you give them the free video course. Then X days later you hit them with the full course offer. He actually recommends only doing 2 sales periods per year, 2 weeks each, so people feel pressure to buy once it’s available.
    Last edited by LetsGo; 08-28-2022 at 01:05 AM.

  6. #6
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    Third thing is, I do think people will come back and use TMO’s links.

    You went through an awful personal time losing IIRC two loved ones within a few weeks or months of each other last year, so you couldn’t post much on here. I think you also realized that building TMO through this forum was not going to scale as much as you’d need it to, so you spent more of your TMO time on FB and less time on here and then the forum affiliate revenue dried up.

    I felt like the forum was declining a lot when you weren’t posting as much. Just my 2¢. As you post more, it will go back up to what it once was, and so will the affiliate revenue from it — while you also work on one of the more general audience / mailing list building funnels.

    A forum, Reddit, or FB requires constant effort to get some results, whereas there are passive ways I mentioned where you do the work once and it keeps sending you traffic for years.

    I hope and think that you can build up TMO to what you want it to be, or at least big enough to support you financially. But that would require a high value Product + a Funnel (podcast, YT, lots of website articles) bringing in a steady stream of new guys, some of whom will buy the product.

    With that said, I hope you’ll keep posting here helping guys. In the meantime please set up a Patreon so your core group (us) has an easy passive way to support you.
    Last edited by LetsGo; 08-28-2022 at 01:20 AM.

  7. #7
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 Readytonut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Goat View Post
    @Cdsnuts Someone on discord said this. You should make a donation button. So when people get cured or they want to donate, they can donate to you. It might have a better effect than the referral links.
    ↑ This ↑

    You can also add some alternative links from amazon with affiliate links in there. People generally trust Amazon more....

    just some ideas...

    -Donationlinks, both cash and crypto. You can do something like monthly donationgoals that will help pay for the server and hosting costs.
    -Going on podcasts to get some traffic on your websites and presenting your ideas..
    -Google SEO for everything PFS related. Keyword ranking for target audience...
    -Amazon links
    -Ad banners on the forum and maybe on TMO
    -Affiliate links for websites where you can buy PHs ?
    Last edited by Readytonut; 08-29-2022 at 07:17 AM.

  8. #8
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. I appreciate all the feedback and will consider making some of these changes. I understand why some would be wary of affiliate links, but in reality, if you've read enough of my stuff, you know I'm not a fly by nighter. I just figured the stuff I recommend is legit the stuff I used, so it just made the most sense to me.

    I'm gonna talk to me tech guy about implementing some of these things.

    Appreciate you guys.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  9. #9
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    I'm putting another word in to relink the affiliate link for most of the Health Ranger goods. Almost none of them work for me and I think I buy them the most.

  10. #10
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Another idea, how about adding alternatives for some products like the personal hygeine products in case the links break for one site/product?

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