How the fuck Am I meant like this I lived a completely nor.All life between twenty thirteen and Trent y twenty one then first f w months of last year things went downhill
All because undereducated ducking seroquel instead of.leaving that shifty unpaid job and resetting sleep.
Now I have axo level.pfs and I'm too.old
To get better

I'm forty ducking six and there has been no improvement in research they are ducking starting from scratch useless ducking cunt s

I feel like I never had pfs for a decade and now I have extreme pfs

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I.mean I literally went to about one hundred concerts footballlmmatches trips abroad got drunk could sell it off an waank.allday

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I fuck it hate that awor cunt

Ducked off.for five years and only came back when. Untangling through thatbhell at that shifty charity