Quote Originally Posted by AltRoute View Post
If you don’t mind me asking, what Health issues are you trying to resolve ? It sounds like gastrointestinal issues on a base level , but am interested to see what led non pfs guys to embark on the protocol. Good luck
So I was actually PFS originally. Crashed end of 2016 and completely recovered middle of 2017. I got lucky using a mix of CD's protocol with some of Ray Peat's ideas. I began with a water fast and the diet I eased into over months was low fat Peat inspired and that mixed with CD's herbs, along with K2 and niacinamide seemed to be what my body needed to recover. I took really large doses of everything and if I could go back I would have done the same but at more sensible dosages. By the end of it my kidneys were so sore I was bed-ridden for several weeks and couldn't even lift a kettle.

Despite recovering managed to tank my health back down through stupid experimental dieting and not paying attention to things that didn't agree with me as I would typically be busy with work and life. Since then I've had several times I've been almost back to that recovery stage and done something to set my self back and most recently it was adding 1L of orange juice to my diet for a month (didn't realise how much damage it was causing until after I removed it) which really destroyed my intestines and colon and afterwards the only relief I got was going carnivore (I think due to the removal of fiber it wasn't inflaming my intestines) but I think that was my worst decision and should have just juice fasted instead. So now I'm stuck in a state with damaged intestines, low stomach acid, bacterial/fungal overgrowth due to low metabolism and the reason I'm opting for CD's protocol is that I think it's one of the best health protocols for most conditions and it makes sense to me - especially if lead with a good cleanse.