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  1. #11
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    Dude....this post alone was ALOT to clean up, especially seeing as I have to constantly ban and delete that psychopaths threads. Not for nothing, but unless it's for cathartic purposes, most people are NOT reading a books worth of someones offense. They all have their own, they are all similar, and it's not going to effect the outcome of what you are trying to do. And really, what happened to you is over, and moving forward is what you should be focusing on. The HERE and NOW.

    Sorry brother. If you want to start a new thread, I'm fine with it. I'll delete this one if that's what you feel is necessary. I just don't have the time to go back and try and cherry pick the posts that were deleted because of the excessive posting.

    Whatever you do, please only make each post ONCE. Nobody was reading what was there as it was 200K words worth of posts, easy. Too much.
    Who you calling a psychopath ya disinfectant you're the psycho preying on sick men with your bullshit slow.motion boost your low testosterone programme with potentially dangerous substances and no help from a mesicalmprofessional

  2. #12
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Ducking arseewipe you never even had ducking muscle wastage !y recovery was better tha. You're before I ducked it up
    If I had done U t would have felt like god.Instead for distracted by trafficking hullshit

  3. #13
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Should I off myself bitch

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