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  1. #1
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Question to People Who have recovered or almost there

    My question is that did your hair fall resume after you were cured?
    I am in a much better place now. Only issues are bit of sexual nature. Lowered strength ED and Lowered orgasm feeling and honestly these have recovered so much in the last year that iam certain its just a matter of time.
    My hair loss however has slowed down. I used to loose 30 hairs a day easy but now it's around 10. I am still thinning but no hair loss. (Weird to begin with cause no one in my family or extended family is bald but I hit the lottery somehow.
    Keen to hear your thoughts.
    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Established Member Feedback Score 0
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    I’m not recovered or borderline recovered yet, but male pattern baldness is not always linear. What I mean is that it’s not always a steady rate where you lose X hair per year.

    In male pattern baldness it’s normal for the hair loss to drastically slow down for some time, and also normal for it to speed up dramatically. You could almost stop balding for a year or two, then WOOSH, dramatically fast loss. Or the hair loss could ramp up slowly, or stop, there are no rules.

    It’s genetic. There’s no universal “this is what will happen with your hair after you recover from PFS” guidelines. Just expect that if you were losing hair before finasteride, you will probably continue losing your hair in the future. You will reach your genetic destiny for hair loss, and it is what it is.

    If you’re obsessing over your hair loss, a lot of guys recommend shaving it all off. Then you won’t have to waste any more time worrying about it - your hair follicles can shut down all they want, and it wouldn’t impact your looks anymore.

    If you’re getting stressed out about your hair all the time, laying awake, getting upset looking at the mirror, panicking, etc, then shaving it off can take the issue away and free up brainpower to work on things that matter more.

  3. #3
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Thanks mate.
    It was more to do with the fact that "if hair loss doesn't continue am I yet not on the path to recovery as opposed to worrying about hair loss". But your answer does make sense that the hair loss isn't linear!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nexus9987 View Post
    My question is that did your hair fall resume after you were cured?
    I am in a much better place now. Only issues are bit of sexual nature. Lowered strength ED and Lowered orgasm feeling and honestly these have recovered so much in the last year that iam certain its just a matter of time.
    My hair loss however has slowed down. I used to loose 30 hairs a day easy but now it's around 10. I am still thinning but no hair loss. (Weird to begin with cause no one in my family or extended family is bald but I hit the lottery somehow.
    Keen to hear your thoughts.
    Thank you!
    Very similar to you as regards just a few sexual sides to recover from. ED and libido are probably 90% recovered and all other sides I’ve probably exceeded 100% recovery. As regards my hair I would say I’m now loosing it at a similar rate to how I was pre finasteride. I’m 47 years old so shouldn’t have been worried in the first place.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nexus9987 View Post
    My question is that did your hair fall resume after you were cured?
    I am in a much better place now. Only issues are bit of sexual nature. Lowered strength ED and Lowered orgasm feeling and honestly these have recovered so much in the last year that iam certain its just a matter of time.
    My hair loss however has slowed down. I used to loose 30 hairs a day easy but now it's around 10. I am still thinning but no hair loss. (Weird to begin with cause no one in my family or extended family is bald but I hit the lottery somehow.
    Keen to hear your thoughts.
    Thank you!
    I was thinking about this minutes before I saw your post. I am at the "nearly recovered" mark, and my hair loss is still not as dramatic as it was pre-saw palmetto. I keep wondering to myself if it's going to kick back in 100% like it was at the point of total recovery. Over the course of my recovery up to this point, however, it HAS picked up more and more, but it's just not at that fast pace of loss that it used to be. A family member actually complimented me on my hair a few days ago, saying it looked fuller. Talk about "be careful what you wish for" :/
    I think it's going to be different foreveryone, and likely somewhat dependent upon how aggressive your MPB genetics were to begin with.

  6. #6
    Moderator Feedback Score 0 Cdsnuts's Avatar
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    I sense another round of recovery posts coming soon. Fantastic job Fellas. You will be rewarded for your persistence and tenacity.......tenfold.

    Concerning hair loss, It's gonna come out. All there is to it. At what rate, can't say, but if it was falling out before, it's going to get back to doing that.

    That being said, I wouldn't use it as any kind of benchmark to base your recovery status on.
    Total Male Optimization "People who say it can't be done shouldn't interrupt those that are doing it"

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
    I sense another round of recovery posts coming soon. Fantastic job Fellas. You will be rewarded for your persistence and tenacity.......tenfold.

    Concerning hair loss, It's gonna come out. All there is to it. At what rate, can't say, but if it was falling out before, it's going to get back to doing that.

    That being said, I wouldn't use it as any kind of benchmark to base your recovery status on.
    It certainly looks that way CD! It’s great to have the positivity back on the forum. I’m confident this is going to be my year!

  8. #8
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    My hair didn't fall.out when I had good libido and mild low testosterone issues. My hair was also very dry, although not like now when it's strawlike and ridiculous, but I never needed to wash it.

    When I tooknzma glycinnate in 2020 had oily hair first few weeks and months

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