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  1. #21
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Mjw I recovered too i also.had a great she i.had alibido.i.let her go thinking I would get other shots this was a few years ago but I never couk d have imagine d Id crash again

    Astounds like you recovered naturally in a short time frame....

    I.made a colodsal.mistake following stress and took pharmaceutical I wisj I had asked for advice in her.

    "Cdnuts" is now elsewhere I. The net and advised guys to take hcg, arriving that Michigan this is just a sham to make money

    Fact is it is time I. Get I would have recovered fully

    It has to wirk.for everyone not just mild cases! Look at vahn and men like that

  2. #22
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    I had my .Oracle recovery and ducked it up what a twat.

    I had chronic fatigue ifnlibido et c and within four years got it back. Fucjmme.mate what a catastrophe

    We need research there needs to be a cure or everyone joyous mild cases

  3. #23
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Look uo.finasterude victim in OH wonder if he could cure via Cdnuts shit it must work for everyone

    and now younger guys like maxout saying take hcg. He himself probably got better in the haurmineral.test Thing has much as thus

  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mjw1999 View Post
    Love this post!!!
    I feel exactly the same! He proves 100% the psychological theory as stated in the stickies by English. He’s just living evidence and like you say is all the motivation you need.
    Having said that he’s being a complete twat to any new sufferers who find this place.
    As regards to Cdsnuts, he’s a loving guy who for years has helped people like myself, giving them hope in their deepest distress and despair. I stumbled across TMO when I thought my life was fucked. Gladly I found some inner strength and hope and jumped on his protocol straight away. I’m glad to report I’m 100% recovered after 16 months and I owe everything to Cd and the other positive people on this forum and also paddy for proving the biggest battle is psychological.
    I’m meeting my girlfriend once again this weekend who I met during Pfs. We do our dating in London and I’m going to make sure she has the time of her life once again, like I always do. I’ve got my life back🥳
    All the best friend 👍
    I don't even know your story painful you have massive muscle wastage etc

  5. #25
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    It's bs when I was crashing again I read that
    Gimp xxxaleksi and this but I'll be ok he had a bad crash and recovered should have gone financially straight away

    - - - Updated - - -

    Where the fuck is everyone anyway on discord?

  6. #26
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    Three needs to be recovery for EVERYONE not just mild cases

  7. #27
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zerolibido View Post
    Where the fuck is everyone anyway on discord?
    Well it’s pretty hard to come to this place now a days with all the spam and crazy talk going on.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zerolibido View Post

    and now younger guys like maxout saying take hcg. He himself probably got better in the haurmineral.test Thing has much as thus
    How do you know Maxout is saying to take Hcg?

    I’ve looked at that Twitter account you say is CD. I’m not saying it is him, but does have a similar tone. You say he recommends people to take Hcg there, but I’ve gone way back through that account and never seen Hcg mentioned once. How do know?

    Honest questions

  8. #28
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    He did On his subreddit

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    Maxine said it On discord

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    I want to semtex those orange bastards

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    I can't ducking believe it I was one recovered than most the deck writes section by 2913 could get Sharon from sunbathjng

  9. #29
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    My Whiteside is ducking inevitable with this shut

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    That gimpnxxaleksi he's full of a ducking Shi t
    Saying hard-core case and fuckinghisnfppp girlfriend twice early on

    - - - Updated - - -

    I want to massacre a load of irangebbastards

  10. #30
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zerolibido View Post
    Good for you but you have they never even given your story
    Thats because you’re on here! And you wouldn’t listen anyway, so why ask?

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