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    Super Moderator Feedback Score 3 (100%) BBG's Avatar
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    Chat with John Meadows! RIGHT NOW!!!

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    You need to be a leanbulk member. He's on right now... maybe only for the next 30 minutes
    Super not-not-moderator BBG

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    Super Moderator Feedback Score 3 (100%) BBG's Avatar
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    7 minutes left!!
    Super not-not-moderator BBG

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  3. #3
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    Ask him what his peptopro dosing protocol is?

  4. #4
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    Damn doesn't look like I can chat from my iPhone.

  5. #5
    Super Moderator Feedback Score 3 (100%) BBG's Avatar
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    He says he loves peptopro (ie hydrolyzed casein) and branch cyclic dextrin. Basically, quickly digesting protein and carbs intra workout.
    Super not-not-moderator BBG

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  6. #6
    Super Moderator Feedback Score 3 (100%) BBG's Avatar
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    [Right Hook] 2:01 pm: lol I'll just start with an easy one - Do you have plans to compete yourself again? And if so, when?
    [mountaindog1] 2:01 pm: Masters nationals 3rd week in July

    [Right Hook] 2:02 pm: Nice, doing anything different with your prep this year vs last?
    [mountaindog1] 2:03 pm: Last year was really different then years passed. Much higher carbs (but centered around peri workout period), no cardio, and much more weight training sessions. I only got to do that for about 12 weeks, so will just be doing it longer this time...will hit 7 days a week at 20 weeks out..that's the goal

    [anthrogeekuconn] 2:05 pm: When you worked at the bank full time, how did you balance work, training, family and your work as a prep coach?
    [mountaindog1] 2:06 pm: I worked my nuts off. It was hard. In meetings..doing stuff at work...answering training questions..get home and eat real fast and go to gym...get home play with kids, then up until 2am or so answering training questions...I am not gonna lie - it was hard...
    [mountaindog1] 2:08 pm [undefined]: I changed jobs and went to a different bank that was close by to save 1.5 hours during the day from driving, and to come home and see kids at lunch....people were changed jobs becuase of that...yep

    [Young Gotti] 2:08 pm [undefined]: since you've had experience with working and trying to get the proper calories, what was your approach for meal prep?
    [mountaindog1] 2:09 pm [undefined]: well the best invention ever is the mocrowave and all these new steamer products that steam in a bag. Trader Joe rice, veggies, and even fish can be steamed in a bag...I do ALOT of that...3 minutes and boom food is ready...I never cook meat in large quantities because I don'tt like to eat it after it's been in the fridge for a while...doesn;t taste as good..

    [Right Hook] 2:10 pm [undefined]: Got any good lifts/tricks for someone who has seriously lagging forearms? I already train heavy deads, grip type stuff, etc.
    [mountaindog1] 2:11 pm [undefined]: my forearms are my worst bodypart...but when I stick to doing alot of hammer and especially reverse curls they get better...I don't go heavy..I just move fast and go for maximum pump..until it feels like your forearms are on fire..

    [KPfigure] 2:11 pm [undefined]: I have a full spinal fusion, and I cannot do any deadlifts, anything bed over (rows, rack pulls..) and try to stay away from backloading with squats. Shelby has directed me to your article on many different ways to use the leg press, which has helped a lot. Any suggestions on modifying others to avoid further back injury ?
    [mountaindog1] 2:12 pm [undefined]: when doing leg presses or hacks, dont go so deep your pelvic girdle comes off of pad..don't listen to everybody saying you have to go super deep on everything...

    [Right Hook] 2:13 pm [undefined]: Do you have any different strategies when prepping natural guys vs those assisted? Or is it really all the same in the end?
    [mountaindog1] 2:14 pm [undefined]: def not the same. Chems can cover up shit ty training and nutrition practices to a degree. Naturals have very little wiggle room. Enhanced guys can just pop some extra t-3 and take more GH. This is one of the things I hate because then people all assume training and nutrition does not matter....the reality is if the person enhanced maximized training and nutriton, with their gear - they will do awesome....but chems can make people lazy..
    [mountaindog1] 2:16 pm [undefined]: in terms of strategy, you really have to be careful of naturals eating muscle up...too much cardio...carbs too low for too long..etc...

    [anthrogeekuconn] 2:17 pm [undefined]: It's the height of cold season, in your opnion, if sick, should you go to the gym and sweat it out? or take some time off to get better?
    [mountaindog1] 2:18 pm [undefined]: I wouldnt train hard..let your immune system recover...and take in more full fat coconut milk and oil for the anitviral benefits of lauric acid...

    [KPfigure] 2:19 pm [undefined]: whats your thoughts on people who cut water starting the day before a show and then all day during said show
    [mountaindog1] 2:20 pm [undefined]: well that will depend on what they are doing with their sodium and food too...if they took their sodium out...they are in for trouble..headed to flatville....if they keep some sodium in, it can work. This is something that eachperson really has to experiment with..and even when you get it right for one show..things may change for the next one...a 2 week out trial run is extremely important..

    [christmas10023] 2:19 pm [undefined]: Any recommended exercies for developing the torso?
    [mountaindog1] 3:22 pm: torse - incline barbells....decline (small angle) smith presses, dumbell presses on varying angles...alot of rows and pulls from different angles...check out my youtube channel and you will see alot of exercises that are unique..

    [Right Hook] 3:24 pm: Did you ever think Meadows Rows would become so popular so fast??
    [mountaindog1] 3:24 pm: haha - once people tried them....they have put more meat on my lats than any other exercise...I do like one arm barbell rows with chains alot too though..

    [Young Gotti] 3:25 pm: one arm barbell row with much chain do u leave to drag?
    [mountaindog1] 3:26 pm: prolly 4 or 5 links.....

    [BBG] 3:26 pm: How much protein do you recommend to your clients?
    [mountaindog1] 3:27 pm: varies - can be 1.25 to some cases 2...but generally i find 1.25 is about right...

    [AndroGenetX] 3:26 pm: Hey John, checked out your site; had some good info but didn't see too much on your basic diet and training principles. I know it is more complicated than a small answer but just hoping you could very briefly shed some light on your basic ideals. Specifically nutrient timing, training organization (ie. compound movements followed by isolation etc.), and rest (required time for cns recovery between training periods).
    [mountaindog1] 3:28 pm: I get much deeper into what I am doing on the express site...that is the paid are some thoughts though..

    [mountaindog1] 3:28 pm: training
    [mountaindog1] 3:29 pm: get specific nutrients into your blood before training....pump the muscle...not in a concentration curl kind of a dumbell press kind of way...
    [mountaindog1] 3:29 pm: then hammer it with explosive work and use accomodating resistance when possible....make every fiber fire hard..
    [mountaindog1] 3:29 pm: then pump the living daylights out of the muscle...
    [mountaindog1] 3:29 pm: once muscle is it from a stretched position..
    [mountaindog1] 3:30 pm: this sequence addresses hypertrophy form all angles I believe...not just one..
    [mountaindog1] 3:30 pm: nutrition..
    [mountaindog1] 3:30 pm: 80% of carbs in peri workout (pre, intra, and post)....
    [mountaindog1] 3:30 pm: if using animal protiens that have a descent amount of fat..go organic...if lean..don't worry about it..
    [mountaindog1] 3:31 pm: fats - don't be scared of them..
    [mountaindog1] 3:31 pm: I di 270
    [mountaindog1] 3:31 pm: ish
    [mountaindog1] 3:32 pm: 40 before - 125-150 during - 80 after
    [mountaindog1] 3:32 pm: I like whole eggs the best of any protein source...

    [BBG] 3:32 pm: What carb sources for the pre/intra/post?
    [mountaindog1] 3:33 pm: pre - cream of rice is awesome..digests great..
    [mountaindog1] 3:33 pm: intra - low osmalility carbs like branch cyclic dextrin - clears fast...
    [mountaindog1] 3:33 pm: post - white rice
    [mountaindog1] 3:33 pm: those are my favorites..not all i do though..I like gluten and wheat free waffles after training sometimes too

    [anthrogeekuconn] 3:34 pm: are all your client's diets gluten free?
    [mountaindog1] 3:35 pm: well not intentionally..but my food choices kind of make them close to that by accident..
    [mountaindog1] 3:35 pm: oats and ezekiel bread have small amounts of gluten...

    [BBG] 3:35 pm: Top 3 supplement choices?
    [mountaindog1] 3:36 pm: top 3 is casein hydrolysate, branch cyclic dextrin, and fish oil (but I am starting to rethink that one)...

    [anthrogeekuconn] 3:36 pm: why are you starting to rethink (fish oil)?
    [mountaindog1] 3:36 pm: just keep hearing from people in the industry that most of it is rancid..

    [BBG] 3:37 pm: even Flameout (biotest product, john is an author on there )?
    [mountaindog1] 3:37 pm: well I am taking Flameout I hope not..haha

    [Right Hook] 3:38 pm: What about recovery John? Anything other than the typical good amount of sleep?
    [mountaindog1] 3:39 pm: recovery - well deep sleep obviously..I do like 5HTP for those who can;t seem to get to sleep....and I think a short nap during the day is pretty big deal..and you know me...intraworkout nutrition is the biggest key by far in recovery

    [anthrogeekuconn] 3:38 pm: When do you think the best time to do cardio during contest prep is? AM fasted, post workout?
    [mountaindog1] 3:40 pm: cardio - well depends on type of cardio....and the type of diet...if you are low carb and feel like crap..prolly just fasted in am.....if you are eating more and feeling good.prolly HIIT after training, but that could be done anytime really...

    [Young Gotti] 3:38 pm: maybe i missed it on the site, but whats your opinion on caffeine? better yet what do u think about the stories that most coffee has mold on it....or adding mct oil and grass fed butter to a cup of coffee?
    [mountaindog1] 3:41 pm: caffeine - great ergogenic aid...take before cardio when also actually helps with glycogen replenishment too if you take a ton of it..weird huh..
    [mountaindog1] 3:42 pm: adding MCT oil I do not like...adding coconut oil with real sources of MCT's I do like..and grass fed butter is fine too..

    [Beejis60] 3:40 pm: I find that ALCAR is great for intraworkout. anything you suggest beyond that and likely BCAAs or EAAs?
    [mountaindog1] 3:42 pm: AlCAR is very good...intra I prefer casein hydrolysate and low osmalaity carbs..

    [AndroGenetX] 3:42 pm: I am not sure of your opinion in this area but please do not be offended by the question if you are against this area of the sport. I am sure the drug use questions get annoying but I am just curious as to whether you use prohormones since many are fairly strong orals.
    [mountaindog1] 3:43 pm: I actually don't know anything about prohormones...I just never paid attention to them....I don't even know what brands are out there..

    [Beejis60] 3:43 pm: What's with you recommending a lot of organic stuff? I personally am against the notion unless it just happens to be organic.
    [mountaindog1] 3:44 pm: toxins in fat cells and fruits like berries only..not everything..saying to buy organic everything is retarded
    [mountaindog1] 3:44 pm: so higher fat animal sources yes...lean no

    [Beejis60] 3:45 pm: Well since chicken breast is pretty lean, I wouldn't worry too much about it. But what about beef? Rendering out the fat, in theory, should help purge out some of that nonsense, no?
    [mountaindog1] 3:45 pm: it def would help yes

    [anthrogeekuconn] 3:50 pm: how do you get all your knowledge?
    [mountaindog1] 3:51 pm: The more you know..the more you realize you don't know jack...truth...

    [anthrogeekuconn] 3:51 pm: any certain journals or books you reccomend?
    [mountaindog1] 3:51 pm: I get all the journals....mountain of information for a teaspoon of somethng useful...

    [Beejis60] 3:54 pm: John, where are you from? I saw you were at OSU for something
    [mountaindog1] 3:55 pm: Columbus Ohio
    Last edited by BBG; 01-16-2013 at 07:05 PM.
    Super not-not-moderator BBG

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  7. #7
    Super Moderator Feedback Score 2 (100%) DJM's Avatar
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    thanks for putting that up.....first carb hit i got was vpx carbonex, id guess their sales jumped today.....and all of us pepto fans feel pretty smart

  8. #8
    Super Moderator Feedback Score 3 (100%) BBG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJM View Post
    thanks for putting that up.....first carb hit i got was vpx carbonex, id guess their sales jumped today.....and all of us pepto fans feel pretty smart
    Yeah, I was glad to see his three major supplements are also the three macronutrients.
    Super not-not-moderator BBG

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  9. #9
    Super Moderator Feedback Score 3 (100%) BBG's Avatar
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    I updated the chat that I posted. It's color coded, easier to read and has more info (the other chat i posted was missing the beginning).
    Super not-not-moderator BBG

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  10. #10
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 3 (100%) Scope75's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BBG View Post
    I updated the chat that I posted. It's color coded, easier to read and has more info (the other chat i posted was missing the beginning).
    Reps sent.

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