Also, if the research chem place is making the batches of t3 ahead of time it's probably going to be degraded, right?
Quote Originally Posted by Jelisej View Post
Biggest problem with T3 (and T4 as well) is quality (and potency) of product. There are big difference even in pharmaceutical T3-s, when you get to underground labs and research company it gets even worse- so it makes it very difficult to dose T3.
In theory thyroid should bounce back after 2 weeks- but problem is that people combine T3 and HGH or peptides which increase T4 to T3 conversion- so they end up with depleted T4 which takes 4-6 weeks (or even more) to top up (T3 in body is made from T4).
By the way, T3 is supplemented in "pyramid" style- you start with for example 12.5 mcg for 2 weeks., then up to 25mcg for 2 weeks then 50 mcg, and then they reverse... Other possibility is adding the dosage that is not supressive- but that is very difficult especially with research T3.
IMO with thyroid meds is ok for guys who really know what are doing and who are going to monitor all the symptoms and do bloodworks, but majority will do more harm to themselves than good.