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  1. #1
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    I had severe pfs for two years then simple low T

    for about nine or ten

    I hate the phrase hypoginadism
    For it disregarding and embarrassing for one but also
    If you have.literal small-scale you have PFSs if you have normal balls low testosterone in the PFS setting and there for can take hcg or whatever with success

    There is a web archive tool whose name I've forgotten but you can search Propwcia He'll for Sat 2015 and you'll see.How rare recovery us..

    And yet I could have posted one i.had no fog.fatigue goodmlinido.abstractions had a nice life. But still I made two errors. I didn't ask treatment and I didn't start working

    This meant that I fanned about in a ducking voluntary job from 2917 and instead impeaching earthenware cunts got embroiled businessman worse harassment alluding fondest mental health , they had one their records my hospitalization, and other the cunts found out about pfs by some fluke.

    I also never even learned to drive. I could have done. Any shut part time job I. My liberal.disability benefits terms and made.modernising and remained healthy.

    The biggest fuck up of negligence worse than finasterude. Look at that Mitch guy boasting about is catered with pfs I was healthier than him from 2912 to say early 2022 when my response to androgens started going downhill and went completely ducked after April that year as you can read here under road directives before falling body a ducking cliff into he'll immune last year destroying my life and my mums.

  2. #2
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    All I had timeliness leave that toxic shiteblike and get anybody time job handbrake infringer or just leave it aktogether.

    It just never done anything midlife was goodnight to the cinema travelled sicilsisddncobcwrts huge dopamine response and hobbies a.little 2019 due to the stress and taking seroquel.but came.back2020 albeit we were in a. Ducking lockdown.

  3. #3
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Even 2021 things were ok but starting to go downhil
    Central weight gain increase plus sleep a bit worse plus grey hairs intact and body never related to occasional seroquel.use. I took that drug once and got drunk the next day like two years ago and moneyed were red and ablaze potentiometer went in selfies I took.

    Fuck man all inhale Romeo was run to an end but this shut stopped me.

    I also lost nocturnal down the first time linearly 2O22 but she's. Weird crash February 2921 into.insomnia aftee waking up after four hours with a. Limp duck for the first me in a decade. for years if I woke the middle of a night could want myself to Aleppo and I rarely needed to.

  4. #4
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Aocorrect in cheap tablet lol

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