Due to a few factors like being in school, working less, and having some unexpected expenses, money is real tight at the moment. i have had to scale back all non-essential spending. of course, SOME supplements are necessary so I am interested in your thoughts on which provide the best 'bang for the buck'. my current supps are:

o Foundational: multi (cheap 2 a day), fish oil, extra vitamin C, D and K.
o Protein: was using a crossflow microfiltered isolate but recently picked up a CFMF isolate/concentrate blend to save some dough. I use this pre- and post-workout, post is with carbs.
o Creatine: I use 3g of HCl pre-workout. on off days I use about 5g of monohydrate

What are some others that are pretty cheap and effective? thinkin bulk powders here, obviously, since they're the cheapest