Quote Originally Posted by AestheticOne View Post
Questions, what is an effective dose for gyno reversal for someone who is on 200mg test cyp every week for TRT, and does ralox have any sides / how long can it safely be ran for? Thanks
First off, it shouldn't really need to be run long term in most cases. For someone on TRT who is aromatizing too much estrogen, you need to attack both the estrogen (AI) AND the effects of estrogen (SERM) if it has turned into gyno. Ralox and other SERMs will not reduce aromatization, they simply stop the effects of estrogen on gyno tissue. Once you have the aromatization under control, you will not need to continue treating gyno with Ralox. You simply need to keep using the AI to keep estrogen levels at bay.

Treating gyno with Ralox and an AI should yield positive effects quickly, and I would say most cases would be resolved within a couple of months. The study I posted in the Anabolic Database shows 86% had significant reduction in 3-9 months for pubertal gyno. Pubertal gyno is usually tougher than other gyno to get rid of simply because of how long it has been present. Sides are relatively unnoticed, but one good side is it reduces LDL pretty effectively.