Despite years of experimentation with compounds of interest to denizens of this board, I had not until recently conducted any research with PDE5 inhibitors. The other day, finding myself in a situation where I didn't want to have to worry about performance, I took 50 mg of sildenafil (chosen simply because I was given a small supply of blue pills some time ago.)

Needless to say, it worked, and all parties involved were very happy with the results. All parties except me, that is -- despite (or perhaps because of) epic hardness, I was completely unable to achieve orgasm, and in fact couldn't until the next day.

This is unusual for me. I have no prior significant issues with sexual health. I am 45, on TRT, and function quite well under normal conditions.

Clearly, further experimentation is required. I will try tadalafil as well as a lower dose of sildenafil in the near future, as it would be nice to have this sort of insurance available when desired.

So here's my question: Is there anything else I should add to my research, anything that might have helped me work around my recent issue? Or anything else I should know here?