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  1. #171
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 strato's Avatar
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    For all newcomers, head to the SwoleSource PFS Discord as the forum has been overrun by negative spam and is without active moderators.

    There's nothing we can do about it despite repeated efforts, hence the discord is the new gathering place:
    Hack Stasis Swole Source

  2. #172
    A 5k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    I'm gonna kill myself

  3. #173
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 strato's Avatar
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    For all newcomers, head to the SwoleSource PFS Discord as the forum has been overrun by negative spam and is without active moderators.

    There's nothing we can do about it despite repeated efforts, hence the discord is the new gathering place:
    Hack Stasis Swole Source

  4. #174
    A 5k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    I'm paddy

    I come from a poor family
    My mum and "dad" divorced when I was 5

    My grandad died on my 5th birthday coming back from Glasgow with my birthday 🎂 he had a heart attack at buchanan bus station

    I grew up in a small town
    My mum was in and out of hospital
    My gran looked after me when she was

    I was one of the cleverest at primary and my mum decided to make me go to a jesuit school in Glasgow
    I breezed the exam and got in on am assisted places scheme

    The Place was full of wealthy kids and I felt an outsider but made a s all but solid group of pals

    The girls wore maxi skirts instead of the local comp girls who wore mini ones

    I was sexually frustrated
    I didn't kiss a girl until 17
    I didn't even know how to wank properly I rubbed my dick against the carpet

    There was no porn then

    I breezed into Glasgow uni after 5th year then just skived sixth year which was a mistake as I carried that laziness on

    At uni I didn't make any new friends and hung around off campus with school.oals

    I didntbget a girlfriend although some were interested I was too shy and paranoid about sex being a virgin

    I looked good but was neurotic

    My mums illness hung over me. I never talked about it with mates and she rang the halls of residence in the middle of the night.

    I stayed in a shit bedsit cos I had nobody to fkayshare with and was embarrassed to share with strangers

    I didn't study hard and git a shit degree

    I moved home and was o. The dole for a year

    I spent money ringing telephone chat lines like hundreds every three months

    I was skint

    I worked but got a shit admin job for a global credit card company

    During this time I was bored and became obsessed about slight hair loss

    I searched online and read about this pill. Some cunt spammed me and I bought it online without telling a doctor

    It was sent from fucling Vanatu or soenwhere which should have rang alarm bells

    I read a out the small incidence of side effects felt hornier briefly then forgot ab

  5. #175
    A 5k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by strato View Post
    For all newcomers, head to the SwoleSource PFS Discord as the forum has been overrun by negative spam and is without active moderators.

    There's nothing we can do about it despite repeated efforts, hence the discord is the new gathering place:
    Hack Stasis Swole Source
    If you really are like 80 percent recovered why not just go to a urologist for the final leftover?

    Clearly your himrmones are worming in which case HCG would work

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