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  1. #1
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 strato's Avatar
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    Rant about CD's disappearance + state of the forum

    Hi all, I think we can agree that it's an utter shame to see what has happened to this place. It's a shame that CD has bailed on the forum without any further updates. I get he has helped a lot of people for many years and been an invaluable, life-saving hero to many going through PFS (myself included), but to abandon the forum in this state without any explanation is just poor leadership. I know that sounds tight, but leaders are held to a higher standard - it comes with the territory. You either don't put yourself into a leadership/authority position at all, or if you do, at the very least communicate your general intentions to the people you're leading rather than disappearing into silence without explanation.

    I don't mind the taking a break/absence part CD may need - I understand this is not the central purpose of his life and he has a life/challenges of his own he's dealing with. But still, provide clearer communication so we can set our expectations. It takes a couple of minutes as a simple pinned post on the forum - that's not asking for much, no matter what is happening in his life. It's the pure disappearance part without explanation that is simply poor leadership especially since he knows he is the only one that holds power to moderate the forum (apart from the other owner dude who won't assign further moderators). So on some level he must know that his disappearance is tantamount to the destruction of one of the only positive places to help survive this condition. Not to mention, it buries 10+ years of his own (and others) positive journeys/resources for PFS under endless negative spam for all newcomers that are currently suffering this condition.

    I know I'm being hard on CD, but the stakes are too high here. Communicate clearer, lead better, recognize that real people with real lives are struggling and on the line with this condition. If the forum is dead and you don't ever intend to moderate it or lead/assist people through the PFS/TMO protocol at all, at least declare it.

    For any newcomers stumbling onto this site and seeing the raving ramblings of the mentally ill dude who keeps posting here, don't be fooled by his antics and negative POVs. That goes for anyone spouting negative, doom and gloom shit about PFS. Don't buy it at all. You can and absolutely will recover from PFS, with enough time, experimentation, dedication and positive attitude. Period. I am on my way there and absolutely know I will fully recovery this point - it's just a matter of time. Where I am at now in 8 months of dedication to CDs protocol (and really going above and beyond that at this point with doing various other things I will mention in the future) in terms of recovery, I estimate takes at least 1 year and a half for most recovery stories to enter into. That's no mistake nor because I was a 'mild case'. I had extreme, extreme PFS that derailed my entire life with insane sides neurologically, sexually, emotionally, spiritually, and physically that ravaged my entire existence. I could not function day-to-day for months on end and noticed no improvement whatsoever before I began to implement the protocol. It was so, so bad. But right now I am mentally 95% recovered and functioning, and sexually 70-80% there depending on the day. My fourth prohormone cycle is set to begin next week and I expect it to boost me to 100% mental recovery and into 80-90% sexual recovery range - again it's just a matter of time from hereon out.

    But if you read my past posts from the onset, I knew all along that I would recover and was willing to embrace that truth and an attitude of as much positive empowerment as possible along the way. As the months roll on now and I keep getting better and better up an exponential curve, I realized more and more with profound confidence how right I was all along (and of course how right all the other guys who preach pro-recovery were all along too). I've also realized how wrong others who claim this as an irreversible, life-long death sentence. This is pure fantasy. Life is what you make it, even in the regard of this complex health condition. Again period. You can recover.

    All in all, I thank CD, maxout, xxaleksi, Tubzy, mjw1999, alphacfi among many others guys out there for their positive support, leadership and inspiring journeys of their own that helped me nurture my own inner convictions and also that gave me the strength to persevere throughout these hellish PFS times. I also want these words to encourage anybody reading this to even more strongly believe in themselves and their own inevitable journeys to recovery. For it is in that fundamental belief first and foremost that will lead you there.

    So that's that for now - I hope this brief recovery update inspires you and to be honest, I hope this overall post helps CD realize what a positive and impactful influence he has many people's lives. Ultimately, he is a great leader and person on the whole, and with this condition being as rampant as ever with many positive people looking for a path to get their lives back, his continued presence in the community is absolutely worthwhile. I hope he realizes this place is worth sustaining and fighting for. There is currently no place like it, especially not with a clear protocol + 10 years worth of data/resources to go-off. So I hope he comes back, or the very least, he pesters the owner dude to allow another moderator.
    Last edited by strato; 10-21-2023 at 08:27 PM.

  2. #2
    A 5k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Or just .com and see a doctor for hcg

  3. #3
    A 5k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    I don't want to rain in your parade and congrats on your improvements

    Even with that guy his sister died he probably diesnt need this shut anymire. It's been ten years since he recovered. I'm not a psychopath I feel sorry hi sister died truly.

    Did you lose muscle go total ed etc?

    We need a universal cure

    I recovered libido and felt great for years
    I recovered holistically
    But I never tried TR T not did I do cdnut S and when I did it barely lived me forward at all

    If he'd combined it with hcg, tr T or whatever could have been a different story.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Why do you need a newsstands

    Listen to your own body
    Many guys recovered many ways are they all king dicks like cdnuts?

  4. #4
    A 5k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Why do you need a leader that should read

  5. #5
    A 5k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    For every xxaleksi there are three other guys who can't recover

    We can't tolerate this situation

    My crash was my mistake and just had luck and bad timing, I felt great in the only period in modern human history where you literally could not do a thing

    I never went to a ur O in that time either or before the crash
    Tr T would have cured me.I had a normal dock and balls and a normal libido or paranormal slightly weaker spontaneous!ayne

  6. #6
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0 strato's Avatar
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    If that's true about CD, obviously I would be deeply sorry of that. I wouldn’t even expect him to divulge those details specifically. However, if that’s just something you made up on the spot, you truly are twisted.

    Either way, CD is still the leader here. And he can be firm as hell in the standards he expects from us. He often admonishes people and whips them back into line for their own good. Well this is a two way street. He is aware of the life-threatening seriousness of this condition as much as anyone. And he is aware of the power of having a positive place for support/resources that can literally save lives - why else would have he dedicated so much to this cause? We deserve better.

    It sounds ridiculous to harp on about a forum like this, but this is PFS. It is an insane thing to go through and there aren't a whole lot of other avenues to turn to at this point. I feel for the new dudes who will never find the diamonds in this place as they have been utterly buried in negative spam - they will suffer senselessly for years. I shudder thinking about that having happened to me if I'd gotten here just a few months too late.

    So I stand by the fact that he could have offered us a simple explanation such as “Fellas, I am going through something personal at the moment and am unable to moderate the forum for the foreseeable future. I will do what I can about assigning new moderators, but unfortunately for now that is not a possibility and so the spam posts will likely continue. I wish you all the best”. Or whatever the case may be for him.

    It doesn’t take much and yet it would go a long way. At least then we could fully move on from this place which YOU man, and nobody else, destroyed.
    Last edited by strato; 10-17-2023 at 03:21 AM.

  7. #7
    A 5k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Try hackstas.Is

    Full of gimos there too

    At least they try various methods

    And no I didn't make that up about his sister for fucks sake

    - - - Updated - - -


    I recovered to about niney percent minimum in 2020 On sms

    Cdnuts is like am a where is that in the protocol etc

  8. #8
    A 5k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Z MA *

    Honestly I a regard as TR T would have made me a God for eight years

    I looked younger felt great never thought I was recovered fro some reason

  9. #9
    A 5k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    CD Moses

    Let my people go

  10. #10
    Established Member Feedback Score 0 xxaleksi's Avatar
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    I don’t blame CD for moving on after 10+ years of this shit, but at the same time I agree with what you said here.

    A new moderator would definitely solve a lot of issues.

    Until then, we have the discord.

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