Hey guys i'm asking this question for my older brother who's 23 and finished his 2nd cycle 2 months ago.

His first cycle was 500mg test for 10 weeks with no orals.
standard nolva/clomid pct no hcg used and test levels were tested couple months after and were in the mid 600's

then he decided to run this cycle
600mg test e 1-10
400mg mast e 1-10
superdrol weeks 8-12 30mg ed
anavar weeks 13-16 40mg ed (the reason he extended the cycle was for a photoshoot never planned on adding the anavar but it worked to keep him from losing any size / definition)

10 days hcg blast
nolva 20mg 4 weeks
clomid 50mg 4 weeks

Anyways after running the PCT above, his total test came back at 368, free test at 68.8 range 35-155 pg/ml

Also his triglycerides were high and BUN / Creatinine were slightly elevated which is all probably from the orals.

Would you guys recommend he tries to run a 2nd pct? He ordered the Intimidate/tropinol stack, and was wondering if he should run that with clomid or torem to see if he could recover back to normal levels, or is he destined for HRT? Hope you guys can give some solid advice on the matter, thanks.