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  1. #1
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Question for walker or the goat or xxxleksi

    This programme is basically boost your low testosterone

    The clue is in the website cdnuts used lol

    So what about the guys who have silenced genes or whatever you want to call it, does it work for them?

    And if it is simply boost your low testosterone, why not do that with HacG or TRT instead?

  2. #2
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Not a question for the goat so much as he actually tried HCG and test.

  3. #3
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Yea which both didn't work for me.

    The herbs have LH/FSH boosting properties. Some block 5AR. Some boost it. Some raise testosterone, others estrogenic, etc. It raises other hormones than just testosterone. Of course it's not scientifically proven 100%. Who cares. People got cured from it.

    That's why it works. But any protocol takes time. It's similar to HCG to me (estrogenic herbs, boosting LH, etc.) but it probably does other stuff as well.

    HCG might work for you. Or other faster protocols. But you'll have to go do it.

    cdsnuts has a good amount of people who benefitted from it. BENEFITTED. And if you can live normal-ish on this protocol then it is worth it.

    Versus what you are doing which is raging on the internet not doing anything. That's the worse choice. And the shitty thing is that you are the one who suffers from your stubborness.

  4. #4
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    I tried "the protocol" in 2914

    Done fuck all for me maybe a bit more wood.
    Slightly bigger balls
    But didn't imorove my baseline more than five percent tops

    Granted I didn't even go the gym which probably could have been enough on it's own as was androgenic and strong.

    But that should have been my cue to return to urology or try and get HCG somewhere.
    I would have responded well to that as alcohol helped me so raising estrogen would have worked

    I had a normal cock and balls and say fifty tonsevbty percent libido.

    It was lowish test not PFS

    - - - Updated - - -

    I did an eight day water fast then rotated an expensive brand of tribulus and tongat.

    Some other cunt hopedieslast did similar but then did try and recovered

    - - - Updated - - -

    Tbf juicing skin and overall mood and energy

    But some guy on the internet telling you to juice when trt would qg w worked
    If trt worked for a shrinkage case like tigershull would have worked for me
    Also other guys like this German guy George on Pah

  5. #5
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Tbh I blame cdnuts but he didn't crash me he wasted my time though.

    But taking fucking quetiapine, Jesus I even warned a guy about taking it in here matys the pole in late 2018, then took it myself again in 2019.

  6. #6
    SwoleSource Member Feedback Score 0
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zerolibido View Post
    Tbh I blame cdnuts but he didn't crash me he wasted my time though.

    But taking fucking quetiapine, Jesus I even warned a guy about taking it in here matys the pole in late 2018, then took it myself again in 2019.
    All these protocols need to be followed quite strictly. Especially when you are really bad.

    Even then there is no 100% guarantee. Nothing is in this life. It either works or doesn't.

    That's why you have to assess every 2 weeks-a month. If you had no improvement in this time I would try something else. I saw weekly improvement.

    You're not a bad dude and I understand your frustration. I'd be fucking raging as well if my life was in the shitter. Mine was as well! In deep shit... I hated everything pretty much. And blamed all people in my life. It's a normal reaction when you are fucked and it could be righteous. Or not. Who cares.

    BUT. Raging, blaming people, etc. It's useless. You can live decently even in your situation. But have to put in some work. That should be enough to try to get out of PFS/CFS/whatever the fuck you are dealing with.

    Fuck the past...

  7. #7
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    Did you get tinnitus after a wank?

    I wish fucking discord and WhatsApp had been around and active on the PFS scene years before, I never knew how good I had it.

    They were a bit in 2019 which is when the wheels started falling off, but I never even checked in on here until 2022.

  8. #8
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    Thanks as ever.

    I believe you also got hit pretty hard.

    I will try and push forward incrementally.

    It's insane how many PSSD are also destroyed by this

  9. #9
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    Pssd wasn't even on my radar and there were barely any pssd guys on here untill this decade.

    Now they're all over the place.

    I wasn't paying attention to PH cos that fat orange cunt doxxed my profile so I didn't want to go there if you dig?

  10. #10
    A 1k Club Member Feedback Score 0
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    Why do I even address that cunt walker he never even had pfs the fucking yank spastic

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