What dosage and duration should I run it for?
Like most orals, a four-to-six week cycle probably presents the best opportunity for maximum muscle-gain with minimum risk. A dose of between 30 and 45mg per day (2 - 3 caps) should be sufficient for almost everyone.

Is it methylated?
It is 17a-methylated for oral bioavailability.

How toxic is it compared to other products?
Though it has an anabolic/androgenic ratio similar to superdrol, it is likely to be much less resistant to metabolism, and therefore much less toxic. It is probably, mg for mg, similar to "epistane" as far as toxicity is concerned - that is to say, a reasonable cycle of 30 - 45mg is likely to elevate liver function markers slightly, but not dangerously, out of their normal values.

Is it a 'cutter' or a 'bulker'?
Like many oral products, it can be used both ways. It will help to preserve muscle mass on a cutting diet, and help to add muscle mass when in a calorie surplus.

Is it estrogenic or progestinic?
It doesn't aromatise, and isn't estrogenic or progestinic (neither are its metabolites), so that sort of side-effect should be of no concern.

What supports are needed?
A good all-round cycle support like Talos (made by our friends at Antaeus Labs) should be sufficient. If liver function is a major concern, or if it's stacked with other products, Aegis would be a good addition.

What PCT should I use?
A 'standard' PCT, similar to that used with other prohormone products, should be fine.