KG, I'll try and drink a bit more water. I'm ULTRA lethargic these days, never hungry, never thirsty... I just miss being hungry and thirsty so much.

Eden, Thanks for the tips. I'll try eating less bread and see if I can avoid the shake during bedtime, since it has become automatic in the routine for awhile. Might lower the amount of eggs in the morning and perhaps protein a bit also. I will lower my Mechabol dose to see if I can better tolerate 175mg, because I'm not feeling good at all at 225. I have no idea how Burly handled it lol. Maybe because I'm taking 16 caps of the androseries on top of it? I'm drinking celery extracts every morning and taking Hawthorn Berries but my pressure is through the roof. If 175mg is more tolerable and the lower cals work well with it, I'll run this through til the end. This is way heavier than I imagined it would be. I can take a lot of pressure but this is madness.

P.S. I did however enjoy how easy nailing 495 in deadlift was last week. And this week I felt so comfortably strong and in control when I nailed 405 in squats deep below parallel. So don't get me wrong, this cycle is doing amazing stuff! And I feel powerful and confident as hell. But the sides are also heavy. That's why injectables are always way more fun