Okay so I've got an idea for a killer PCT... and it could probably be used as an alternative to running your AAS.

I'm curious about running two different SERMS simultaneously. I'm still green behind the ears when it comes to SERMS, I've done one PCT with Torem and it was amazing.

Hypothetical PCT-- Torem and Clomid.
Reasoning-- Torem for the positive effects on lowering LDL while also raising HDL and of course anti estrogen.
Clomid for the stimulation of LH and FSH, and of course anti estrogen.

Where are the GURUS at, DJM, BURLY, H2S.... help me out

Has anyone done this before?
What dosages would you use? (theoretically cut normal solo dosages in half for each)
Do you see any problems that I could be overlooking?