Just started my 12 week spring cut cycle and here are the details:


Transaderm 5 pumps/day (got tired of waiting for BPS)
AHv3 6 caps/day
11 oxo caps 300mg/day, taken simultaneously with AHv3 in the morning to hopefully benefit delivery a little


31 yo male, 6'00", 195 lbs., 14% bf, numerous Primordial product cycles under my belt.

Workouts are typical 3 day split (chest/tri's, back/bi's, shoulders/legs, all heaviest "working" weight I can do at a cal. deficit) with 30-45 mins/cardio moderate intensity each day post-lift, and a fourth day of 30-45 mins/cardio only. Trying to keep calories at less than 2000/day while keeping protein at least 200 grams/day all from cleanest food as possible supplemented with protein powder as needed.

I've ran this cycle before minus the 11 oxo and had great overall results (also was Dermacrine instead of Transaderm which I am also curious to see how it goes since it is my first time using it). I'm interested what the added benefits, if any, will be with adding the 11 oxo in the mix. Not a lot of experience with 11 oxo, with the exception of a bulk stack last fall that included Androenhance, which I wasn't too terribly impressed with (the Androenhance), so I thought I'd give it a shot this way during a cut.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Any constructive input/discussion welcome!

Not going to do a full log, but will give periodic updates as often as possible, or at least a final brief review.