alright so this is the deal. I have 2 bottles of AL and 1 AD ive been looking to use. I was thinking of just adding the 11 oxo to it and being done but a few weeks ago someone advised me to order 4 bottles of forerunner 5 test and 1 forerunner mass. and runn 2 bottles of AL 4 bottles of Alphatest and 1 alpha mass.

you think stick with the original idea with the test, mass and lean( which I already have)

or go with what im coming up with just some androdrive, AL and some 11 oxo.

I am coming up on the end of a cut getting pretty near goal im at 10% 5 11 165.

prolly looking to be around 8%. do you think ive already done all the hard work in getting to the 10 percent and maybe leaving the AL for my next cut. and finishing the hard work on this cut then worry about maybe puuting on some dry lean gains when I get to goal? I feel that because im already pretty low in bodyfat that I may not be very wowed by the AL and could possible be very expensive compared to gains made from it. I think my timing may be off.

the only think stopping me from doing the mass ALx2 and 5test is I don't want to see all that water weight come back on right after Ive been stalking the scales. I know its not a big deal but im really not sure .

welcome all ideas