Watch the so you think you can bench series at elitefts. Learn the technique to setup and control your elbows/tuck.
Here's what I'd have you do if you were here and wanted to work in with me and the guys on our bench day.

Week 1
bench press (pause for 1 second at the bottom on each rep)
-5 sets of 5
incline hammer press
-4 sets of 5-8
Floor press
-4 sets 5 reps
skull crushers
-5 sets of 5 - 8

No dips. Stick to 5 reps with the heaviest weight on each that you can do the movement correctly. The pause bench press is to work the bottom of the lift/the chest. Don't go to heavy, and work on proper form the entire time.

week 2
lockouts, can use a power rack or set something like a board or even a phone book on your chest. Have a training partner there to spot you. Do not over exaggerate! You do not want to damage your rotator cuffs!
-5 sets of 3

week 3
Bench press. Strict form! subtract 60lbs from your current pr. each set add 10 lbs to the bar. you should finnish with a set of 3 thats 10lbs less then your best. Put in work! Everything right and do your best to get all three. It's ok if you don't
-5 sets of 3

week 4
Bench press. This week is designed to give you a chance to recover for a max effort attempt the following week. Use the same weights you did the week before. Here's your chance for revenge if you didn't get the triple the week before to get a clean double!
- 5 sets of 2

No accessory work. The goal is to completely recover for a max attempt next week. Also I would lay off shoulder work this week as well.

week 5
gut check. Max effort, new pr.
do not waste energy doing to many warm up sets. do the bar for 5, then make good sensable jumps with sets of three, then a double that is around 100lbs less then your previous best. then singles with 60 lbs less, 20 lbs less then load up an extra 10lbs over your previous best and crush it!

These are just suggestions of how I train. There is several others. Rodja has vids showing great bench form and will be competing soon. Really my top suggestion is do the basic movements and do them right. Hopefully something in this helps or gives you suggestions. If you get the chance look up and see if theres a powerlifting meet sometime in your area or a powerlifting gym that you could train at. What you have posted I am sure you could grow and make gains.