Quote Originally Posted by Cdsnuts View Post
Apparently too much of it gives me pounding headaches. Too much being a relative term. I couldn't figure out what the hell was wrong with me the past couple days. I've been off in my head, and then the headaches started a few days back. I never get headaches. I've been using pepto pro 3-4 times a day and All-in every day. All of them have sucralose in them. More then I've ever consumed before. Did some research, and sure enough, alot of people are sensitive to that artificial sweetener and alot of people get splitting headaches from it, me being one of them. Who knew.

I'm just hoping I can take the unsweetened version......there is an unsweetened version, right?

Better question is what the hell am I gonna do with the pepto pro and brand new bags of All in I have sitting around here?
There's so much bad stuff written about 'maybe' bad stuff that you're gonna
get a headache anyway.

I have bulk peptopro and it's unflavoured (and vile). I bought some berry flavouring (with sucralose) and
it worked pretty good. Try Lime or lemon juice. I found lime juice worked best.