Quote Originally Posted by VayneZ View Post
Today I deadlifted, perfect motion, 1 rep, 365 pounds. I mean I know that nowhere NEAR some of you guys' pr's here. But for a guy who's 170 pounds, and in carb depletion, and hormone free... it felt like I accomplished something great.

I have to admit I have been shying away from going HEAVY on deadlifts, was doing 15 reps, around 200 pounds. But recently my mind is set to make it to 405 pounds!! At least a few reps, perfect motion! So I'll be doing deads twice a week! Until I make it! I'll do deads Monday as well (even though it's delts and tri's day), but because that's my REFEED day, I will finish with deads on that day, at least 4 sets. 3 sets rep out like crazy (as advised by Mark, for the Glucose demand purposes), and then KILL the last set with 1 rep HEAVY! And Thursdays I'll be focusing on HEAVIER Deadzz!!! This is war yo!
Are you saying you will go for a max on both dead days? If that was the case, I would say rethink that. If you want to get stronger on deads, work on hip mobility, lower posterior chain work, sldl work, glutes, good mornings, CORE WORK, stuff like that.