Hey guys, been on the protocol since September last year, but figured I'd start a log here too to keep myself on track and be more consistent.

I started with a 7 day juice feast which went ok, and jumped directly on the herb cycle after. The herbs hit me hard after the juice feast and I felt amazing for a week, and from there on it's been upswings and downswings as expected. I can't really notice the effects of the individual herbs anymore, but on upswings I sometimes have crazy amounts of energy which is really awesome since even before I got PSSD I was dealing with fatigue and lethargy. There have even been days where I could confidently say I had a bit of actual libido again, hell yeah. At one point my erection quality was also like 90% back to normal for a week or so, but that didn't last. Oh well I'm sure it'll return at some point.

The corona lockdown threw me off for a few weeks, but I've picked things back up again and can exercise at home with some home gym stuff. I lift 3x a week, and do cardio at least twice. I started as an out of shape CS student so it's been a learning experience for sure. Dropped 13kg of fat so far and put on a bit of muscle. I haven't done HIIT yet, but as soon as I can run 5k without taking a break I will replace running with HIIT.

Things I still need to improve/be more consistent with:
- Tighten up my diet (It was fine before, but I'm hanging out at my parent's place during the quarantine because they have a home gym and a big garden I can chill in instead of being stuck in my tiny studio apartment)
- Consistently do the breathing exercises
- Bathmate (didn't wan't to bring it to my parent's place lol)
- Full cold showers (just doing 1 minute at the end now)
- Meditation
- Go full nofap (already cut down a lot, energy levels go to shit if I don't)

I have two bottles of musclegelz andro hard ready to go for my first cycle, but I want to make sure everything else is 100% on point before I begin. Hopefully that will be within the next few weeks.